indeedy.. you should look at the catalogue :( its even more appealing... has anyone gone yet ?
well, lin is a bit of a blonde one :rolleyes: thats rather normal coming from her :p
hats make your hair even more oily :o esp dirty boys :p
ohhh... so you have to pay for the full fee in the last 2 years? Dentistry must have high competition... Griffith isnt in group 8 though-it wont afect employment afterwards would it ?
i know a friend who is doing pathways and he is enjoying it alot. he's going to do really well as he's doing 2 subs this year and 2 next year. not only are the they high scaling ones, but he goes to an elite selective school :o
tried looking at Conservatorium yet (USYD)? I think getting L.Mus or A.Mus in whichever field is sufficient. A Bacherlor of education for school is good. Lmus and Amus is best for private teaching :)