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  1. soha

    Waitpersons Unite!

    actually if u drop chips on the floor...and deepfry them again they are perfectly fine even a piece of meat the hot oil kills any bacteria no biggy really even tho its not a good thing to do at a restraunt atleast it was deepfriend again
  2. soha

    WHat to do at parties??!

    my party is next sunday is that supposed to be a drunk person on the gutter? or a bored person on the gutter?
  3. soha

    gay friend

    im waiting 4 a friend to come out hes ovbiously gay i dont wnat to ask him incase he gets upset he will one day or maybe im wrong? nah..for someone who wears womens lipgloss and foundation who blowdrys his hair everymorning and takes an hour who streses about his hair excessively he...
  4. soha

    closed work early?

    did any one else notice the mofo storm we had today? we had a masive power cut and everyone at woolies was walking around in the dark..with really dim lights we were not letting customers in to the store and eventually at like 4.30 we were empty everyone was just hanging around in the...
  5. soha

    WHat to do at parties??!

    no alcohol at my bday party
  6. soha

    Waitpersons Unite!

    well it was cash in the hand so we didnt care and when i was 14 and started work at woolies i got $5.25 not much of a difference but yeah...oh this lady was a bitch her nephew worked there (who is my friend and got me the job) she would yell at him and make him cry infront of customers...
  7. soha

    Any Bold & Beautiful fans out there!!

    i like thomas man hes grown...i remember when he was still a
  8. soha

    Micheal Jackson

    oh wellz ..if he gets 20 years he will be released when hes 70 omg thats so weird
  9. soha

    Waitpersons Unite!

    we ended up quitting because firstly she gave us 5 bux an hour..we thought it was just trainee pay(2 get started) plus the boss was a bitch on wheels
  10. soha

    Waitpersons Unite!

    thai smile baulkham hills near baulkham hills shops and that huge lighting warehouse
  11. soha

    Micheal Jackson

    yeah hes such a ledge.. i dont know anyone who doenst atleast like or know a michael jackson song..
  12. soha


    lol i always love reading ur posts even if i totally disagree u crack me up but yeah its pretty whacked..our system and stuff
  13. soha

    How long before you have sex?

    wait until your wedding night
  14. soha

    Waitpersons Unite!

    i worked in a thai restraunt i originally wanted to do waitressing but i was tsuck in the kitchen washing dishes and cuting carrots haha it was fun while it lasted tho
  15. soha

    For the Ladies out there...

    y does everyone have to kill themselves everytime i read something its telling someone to "kill urself tonight" wtf and yeah guys hurt girls and girls hurt guys and shes choosing to write about how guys hurt girls maybe u could write about how girls hurt guys if it bothers u that much?
  16. soha

    Micheal Jackson

    hmmm nation os islam thats not islam..they weird they pray saying like father in heaven etc..and christian stuff so i guess his bro is nation of islam too oh wellz..
  17. soha

    Money and relationships

    the more blokey one there is always a more blokey one..
  18. soha

    Micheal Jackson

    well she married him..and slept with him..haha
  19. soha

    Micheal Jackson

    i know ey y the heck am i getting so defensive? over it now.. it doenst effect me so whatever