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  1. kami

    Languages USyd vs. UNSW vs..Macq?

    Thats weird - UTS and MQ have it in seminars (ie double length tutes). I thought all uni would teach languages like that, do you find the lecture/tute format at all difficult (apart from the mixing of beginners and intermediate) for doing french?
  2. kami

    How do you analyse an essay(as related text)?

    Rhetoric, allusion, satire/sarcasm etc. Also analyse how the argument is formed for example does it attack a person rather than an idea (for example attacking someone's credibility to put forth an argument rather than their argument)? What essay in particular do you have to analyse?
  3. kami

    Frontline- Assessment

    I find the best way to deal with these kind of assignments is through roleplay (in your head not on paper) - pretend that you are a character, maybe Lisa Simpson, writing a letter to this forum organiser saying how you(she) would have done the presentation on media and truth. So this gives you...
  4. kami

    Quoting Lines

    I never bothered with writing down any numbers to be honest, whether it be line or Act and I never got marked down for it - only the characters.
  5. kami

    How actual productions should be used in the essay

    From what I recall you should be reffering to around two readings and productions in your response unless you are told otherwise. As for how to use them, I did so in a manner similar to what LottoX outlines above - the core was direct analysis of King Lear with reference to the...
  6. kami

    One scene only in King Lear essay

    I'd reccomend against memorising just one scene or even two and using that as your text - the question will not neccesarily ask for '2 extracts'(or whatever it said in 04). Instead you should try to have a thorough grasp of the entire play if you can because that is your text and it is possible...
  7. kami

    Subject Matter for Creative Writing

    Putting your own spin on it can mean a myriad of things as it need not be chained specifically to events. For example you could turn the Howard/Costello things into a tadpole trying to journey up the river to steal the crown of the pond kingdom from a fat toad and make plenty of allusions to...
  8. kami


    It's never ok to plagiarise - its akin to taking someone's possessions and putting them in your house and saying they belong to while you are in front of an audience. As far as distinguishing between the taking of facts for history essays and the noting of opinions for english ones, well it is...
  9. kami

    UTS v UNSW

    UTS considers it to be 'arts' in its current elective line up, so there's no reason why it wouldn't regard the USYD/UNSW psych as such - though it'd probably be better to do psych via USYD as its easier on you for transport and its less lab based in comparison. A submajor is a specific...
  10. kami

    HSC Trials - some pointers, and a big GOOD LUCK!

    *shrug* Here are my rather paltry words of wisdom for the class of 06. Learn to breathe The trials are probably going to be the most difficult period you'll go through this year and so you may be inclined to stress. Don't. Terrorising yourself won't make this any easier, instead it will...
  11. kami

    Songs as Supplementary Texts in English (2u / 3u)

    I'm going to be negative here, and say that I'd avoid doing a song. Simply because most of the contemporary pop music, which while nice, doesn't exactly distinguish itself much. Its also quite difficult to analyse the music of a song in any depth unless you have some background in that area...
  12. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread I'm nervous about going back to university now, with all the buzz about results. Looks like I might be going to group therapy with Becs:(
  13. kami

    The Real Inspector Hound On Stage BEFORE your exams

    Seeing 'The Real Inspector Hound' on stage at UNSW was a very beneficial experience for me last year - it was not only educational but highly enjoyable. I definitely reccomend all of you to go see it, whether it is at MQ or Riverside Theatre.:)
  14. kami

    worst teacher eva....

    Have you looked at this or this? Otherwise, if you have specific questions on the texts, post them up and I'll have a crack at them.:)
  15. kami

    Superman Returns

    I loved it, great for an action flick. Plus Routh looks better looking than I thought he would. My favourite was: Well *puts geek hat on* I read something similar on the net, that apparently they spent a few hours trying to make sure Routh's crotch looked the correct size on screen...
  16. kami

    EEXT Moderation/Marking Process

    Your 42/50 is practically meaningless apart from how it ranks you in class as was demonstrated by the above example. So no one can tell you what you need to get for your MW to ensure top band.
  17. kami

    Languages USyd vs. UNSW vs..Macq?

    Ah, my bad. I thought you meant language majors offered in the respective university's degrees. Also, another one I forgot - ACU and their BA. They have a similar deal to UTS apparently, where you can apply for pretty much any language at any of the other unis with a good deal of flexibility.
  18. kami

    Guestimate your autumn final marks :)

    What about the people (like me) who guestimated fails?:p
  19. kami

    Languages USyd vs. UNSW vs..Macq?

    Not exactly. UTS has special arrangements in place with all other sydney based universities, so that any modern language offered can be taken in their degree. If your language is not supported at a sydney based university[USYD/UNSW/MQ/UWS], then arrangements can be made for you pursuant to...
  20. kami

    UTS v UNSW

    I have heard though, that practical experience is rather limited in this major later on as well(UNSW may suffer the same fault, I don't know) so keep in mind that whichever you end up in you will probably also have to compensate with extra-curricular activities to get that experience. In the...