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  1. Rafy

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Re: tomorrow. I just scheduled a meeting with my honours supervisor for 2pm, so i'll be at manning after that (probably just a bit before 3.)
  2. Rafy

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    I'll be in manning on tuesday afternoon, somebody come say hi. How can a university student not have facebook?
  3. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    Springborg has stepped down as leader of the LNP. So, what went wrong with the opinion polls? They were remarkably consistent throughout the campaign.
  4. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    Springborg is conceeding defeat.
  5. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    This isn't even close.
  6. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    Antony just pretty much called it for Labor.
  7. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    LNP Majority could probably be ruled out now. The poll breakdowns did indicate that the swings in the larger SE QLD booths would be much bigger though.
  8. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    Yep link is ABC News is on at the moment. The Antony and Kerry show starts at 7.30.
  9. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    They'll have a link up to the QLD ABC1 stream shortly. (They usually have it @ )
  10. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    Auspoll exit poll across 22 marginal seats: Labor 45 per cent, LNP 47 per cent, Greens 5 per cent. Two-party preferred: 50-50.
  11. Rafy

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    100% in first Honours assessment. Yay. I'm falling a bit behind though.
  12. Rafy

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Never used the usyd email. Just redirect email to gmail.
  13. Rafy

    Queensland State Election 09

    It's election day. Here's a thread to discuss predictions, results and the aftermath/consequences. The final Newspoll has a 2PP result of 50.1-49.9 in favour of the LNP. Yesterday's Galaxy had 51-49 to the LNP.
  14. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    A deal has been struck with the independents in relation to the definition of 'small business'. The definition will be '15 full-time equivalent workers'. The Senate will thus not insist on its amendments and the Fair Work bill should be passed shortly.
  15. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Fair Work Bill 2008 Message No. 244, 20 March 2009 a.m., from the Senate was reported returning the Fair Work Bill 2008 with amendments, 1:17:30 PM. Ms Gillard, 1:44:34 PM, moved—That amendments Nos 31 to 34, 94 and 136 be disagreed to. Question—put. [Div No. 190]...
  16. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    They want the double dissolution trigger. It's the perfect bill for Labor to fight an election over.
  17. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    Fair Work Bill 2008 Bill passed with amendments One of the amendments is a change in the definition of small business from 15 to 20 employees. The bill will go back to the House this morning to vote on the senate amendments.
  18. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    Final QLD Galaxy poll Still 51-49 to the LNP.
  19. Rafy

    Leaked blacklist proves the Internet censorship scheme a farce

    It would seem it's not just Labor's filter we have to be concerned about. The current censorship system that is in place is outrageous also.
  20. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    Excellent. Motion that the Senate continue to sit at 12 midnight and the sitting of the Senate be suspended when the third reading the Fair Work Bill 2008 has been determined Commenced 11:49 PM Agreed to