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  1. K


    wow that is pretty intense. wasnt it about 93 for the previous year ?
  2. K

    Is your school in last years top 200?

    my school was 60th last year. The year before it was 30th :(
  3. K

    Models in Biology

    i think it was referencing towards models in general :)
  4. K


    i'm still waiting for mine :rolleyes: i want a mousepad now too :D
  5. K

    the "verbs"?? ;)
  6. K

    custom status

    i didnt realise i had mine until i reached about 1900 posts when i decided to chnage my avatar
  7. K

    Models in Biology

    there was a thread previuosly posted about models where timmy was kinda talking about but never went into detail :)
  8. K

    How do i get into veterinary science><

    Go full fee :D Only 26 odd grand a year, and with 2005 entry Fess changing and going up, i'm sure it'll be mighty fine ;) :p
  9. K

    The Apprentice

    whats it about though ?
  10. K


    i'm thinking of doing optometry too :) How many people are offered full fee Rand ? just curious :)
  11. K

    UNSW Meetup Part II

    dont get too excited :rolleyes:
  12. K

    international studies/ commerce? do they have it?

    99.35 last year ? USYD is 99.6
  13. K


    hecs ;) umm you should look at the university's website that your interested in. unless you can rely on your careers advisor
  14. K

    Discussion of SC & its Notes

    i thought it was a complete utter waste of time. thank goodness i didnt have to do the computer skills :rolleyes:
  15. K

    Ext 2 Maths???

    well its like a whole new subejct if you want to think of this that way. there are brand new concepts that you get assesed on that isnt in 3 unit, though it requires 3 unit advanced capability to be game enough to do 4 unit. it takes 3 unit work further. work load? i think this has been...
  16. K

    1/2 Yearly Troubles???

    umm cant remeber, but i swear it was from a textbook. as if i'd pull that out of my ass :rolleyes: :p
  17. K

    Uh oh...

    a miracle tip is to study and be prepared for your next assesment ;)
  18. K

    Failing Maths

    welcome to year 12 ;)
  19. K

    the venting thread.

    hmmm i cant wait till i go to uni. i think its the freedom factor :)
  20. K


    if english wasnt compulsory, 90% of english teachers would be on the dole :D i'd say 90% of them are shit anyway :)