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  1. K


    queenie, youve gone ahead with summarising i see ? :cool:
  2. K

    O2 deficiency?

    PE has a good understanding of how the body actually works and the variuos body systems. you might to give it a go there too ;)
  3. K


    woo someone backs me up :D the syllabus is somewhat different to now from a few years ago :p but i get where you're goin at :) they really cant asses or test you on anything thats not a dot point, so you can just learn the syllabus, you just have to know how to apply it.
  4. K

    its school = james ruse, worst = Joeys and NSGH as voted by you!

    i wonder what wouldve happened if someone actually did put down st george when they were male.
  5. K

    Cyclohexane // Hexane

    we've always done it with Br<sub>2</sub> :confused: CM tutor, please verify :)
  6. K


    theres a thread on this already somewhere, there were a few replies to it... Alcaligene eutrohpus also makes polyhydroxybutanoate ;)
  7. K

    HSC Biology Enrichment Program

    lol i think theyre a rip off. the travel time to get there, the bs they rat on about what you already know-using that tim you couldve made you own notes :p they dont provide you with any notes do they ?
  8. K

    Cyclohexane // Hexane

    bingo :) thanks what about the reaction with bromine water ? would that change the benzene ring thing ? :confused: hmm the equations for the hydrocarbons with bromine water would help :)
  9. K

    Cyclohexane // Hexane

    what is the difference between these two chemicals apart from their name? i mean, their chemical formula is the same..(CH3CH3) or am i wrong ? is this the same for cyclohexene and hexene?
  10. K

    Forum Downtime.

    autumn cleaning to be correct ;)
  11. K

    BOS wins ANOTHER award :)

    doesnt logging onto the forums count as logging onto the main site anyway ?
  12. K


    she doesnt suck at english, she just doesnt have an extensive vocabulary :)
  13. K

    O2 deficiency?

    and this goes into tout of all the biology modules, the maintaining a balance module ? :rolleyes: most people would post this in NS :) ;)
  14. K

    difference between 1.1.8 and 1.1.P3

    well obviuosly, the first one tells you to provide like a case study or indepth understanding of the chosen organism and specifically the adaptations it has. the second is just general adaptations animals posses. i think this was posted somwhere before ..
  15. K

    Loquacious One

    maybe we should report the above post to a mod ? :p
  16. K

    school holidays!!...yay !

    ive done all summaries. when i go do the past papers, i get owned :(
  17. K

    Help:) :)
  18. K


    Frigid says: yeap, i'm still little
  19. K

    possbile questions for imaginative journeys?

    Imaginitive journeys take us into worlds of inspiration, speculation and imagination. Discuss.
  20. K

    Physics exams

    i have my last years exam paper, but its 5Mb :eek: if you want it, PM me and i'll add you to msn ;)