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  1. soha

    Does God Exist?

    also..suphan allah.. i know a guy who works with me..hes australian..(scottish) his friend gave him an english copy of the quarn to read anyway..he put it in his draw and forgot about it(breifly telling the story) one night he had a dream/nighmare...and he saw the koran in his dream he woke...
  2. soha

    Does God Exist?

    man once i saw a sight of christian converts ppl who were muslims that converted to christianity i knew it was fake..coz tehre was so much bullshit like they said in the muslim religon..they had to do this and this and that i wa was so annoying reading it
  3. soha

    Does God Exist?

    lol..lets not worry so much about how to type quaran..better thing to worry about
  4. soha

    Does God Exist?

    she means the way the english pronounce it like the non muslims apposed to qua'ran it sounds better..but koran is easier to type
  5. soha

    Does God Exist?

    yeah a guy i heard he opened the quaran to that page and after seeing it on t.v or whatever he became muslim..
  6. soha

    Does God Exist?

    lol sorry dude..easier to type
  7. soha

    Does God Exist?

    yes its amazing its written in the koran about how honey has healing powers and stuf fthats good for the body and medicational stuff and only recently it was scientifically prooven where all they had to do was read the koran and it wa stehre for them i know of a guy who converted to islam on...
  8. soha

    Does God Exist?

    yeah because of who rewrote the bible
  9. soha

    Does God Exist?

    suphan allah..bees must visit 4 million flowers in order to produce half a kilo of honey thats amazing.. man i used to kill bees when i was a kid..coz when i got stung by one i hated them.. i feel bad now off topic
  10. soha

    do YOU want to play the TRUMPET?

    i used to play the sax back in the days...
  11. soha

    Does God Exist?

    no jesus according to us is a prophet of Allah(god)... a prophet and messenger god is god no mother father or children
  12. soha

    Does God Exist?

    thats right from ahil ill bete the mehdi doenst return hes coming for the first time i see now
  13. soha

    Does God Exist?

    who else is there to return the dageel will otehr prophets will return i dotn get it?
  14. soha

    Does God Exist?

    no we believe jesus will RETURN he has come..and gone..he is in paradise and will return the jews are waiting for him to come they dont believe he has come yet well..with the swine im not christian so i dont know thats what ive heard we dont eat it..for many reasons that i will state...
  15. soha

    Does God Exist?

    i was really suprised when i read what you said never heard of that im pretty sure it was one of the 12 i will look into it.. its interesting that there are various "ways" your version i heard is something the jews say im not sure
  16. soha

    Does God Exist?

    the koran was revealed 1424 years ago its a book of Gods words revealed to prophet mohammed he was the the last prophet and the last messenger who was to spread the word of islam ok..christians arent supposed to eat swine my very christian friend doenst eat swine..or pig meat i dont know...
  17. soha

    Does God Exist?

    well..muslims believe jesus was a prophet and messenger of god and he didnt die on the cross so when he returns he will break the cross..because its symbol is false to sho people that he never died on it and their beliefs are false(this is form a muslim perspective..) also..he will also...
  18. soha

    Does God Exist?

    prophet jesus pbuh will return 40 years prior to the day of judgement he will break the cross slaughetr the pigs get married and lead the muslims...whats left of them he returns after the dajehl(anti christ)..
  19. soha

    Does God Exist?

    it wasnt one evil man that god changed the appearance of it was on of the 12 apostles that he was sitting with he asked for one to take his palce and the youngest said he he did
  20. soha

    Are checkouts that bad?

    hm..i just call my supervisor for any trouble whatsoever and let them deal with it except i wanna become supervisor soon but i dont wanna have to deal with it