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  1. Sarah168

    ECOP 1001 Mega-Essay

    i didnt even take into account the tired :( its freezing and i type one sentence then stop. then bludge for 15 mins then type another sentence....God, I must be the most unproductive idiot around. *slowly plods along*
  2. Sarah168

    can we still drop subjects?

    sooo that means it will show up on the transcript?
  3. Sarah168

    ECOP 1001 Mega-Essay

    909....arghhhhhhhh just kill me already. Im tempted to just take the 5% penalty and go to sleep....
  4. Sarah168

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    thanks cos i was really look for friendship advice mate :rolleyes:
  5. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Mid Semester Exam

    dunno what the average is.. unless u wanna calculate it yourself :p lol maybe he'll tell us in the next lecture...
  6. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Mid Semester Exam

    marks are up for streams 3 and 5 people! I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances* Edit: im still in shock...:eek:. so happy :D
  7. Sarah168

    What happens if you go over the word limit?

    yeah its our "major" essay hahaha. im not saying im not thankful for its length however :D :D
  8. Sarah168

    guys in pink shirts

    omg aside from the fact that i have a SEVERE aversion to any guys in pink shirts (dont even MENTION the word industrie to me :chainsaw: ). shellybelly, you have just described the WORSE look ever. Tight pink shirt on a guy. Sorry but that is just a turn off...urgh
  9. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Mid Semester Exam

    arghhhhhhhhhh post the marks already dennis!! and confirm my miseries *wails* he said saturday night, he would post them or whatever. GRRRRRRRRRRR :chainsaw:
  10. Sarah168

    What happens if you go over the word limit?

    lets put this in perspective. I would rather be cutting down from 1600 or whatever to 1400 then having 200wds and running out of stuff to write. Not that im in the latter situation because i havent started.... everyhing adds to the essay? yeah, well, if u gotta cut some, u gotta cut some. be...
  11. Sarah168

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    dont really have any real uni friends. just people to hang out with in class and sit with. I stick to one school friend cos she's in one of my classes and we have similar timetables.....kinda drifted from most school friends and slowly drifting from whats left. I dont particularly want to hang...
  12. Sarah168

    Backstreet Boys (merged)

    :eek: omg i think i have that single in addition to the two albums OMG SHUT UP SARAH JUST SHUT UP *runs*
  13. Sarah168


    assignment supposed to be due on friday. Got extended to monday and i havent started. Im not even worried. Im such an idiot. then another essay due on may 14 (monday after). Meh. Havent started either. Im a lazy, chronic time waster. Worse thing is, I dont even care. Wow, now this is a major...
  14. Sarah168

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    intelligence...and then an earnest nature.
  15. Sarah168

    Backstreet Boys (merged)

    that incomplete song is boring....zzzzz. It doesnt even entertain me as pop music...bah. "The one" was a shit song too. Shame on me for knowing so much but i admit, i bought two of their albums when i was younger. Come on, everyone went through that phase....
  16. Sarah168

    What happens if you go over the word limit?

    its not that hard to cut down 100 wds...
  17. Sarah168

    Movies about Nazi Germany

    when i did MH, my teacher recommended "Twin sisters"...dont know how useful it is. I suspect he only watched it cos he thought the actresses were hot or something....
  18. Sarah168

    Have you cried yet?

    a tonne of internal shit moments become an external crying moment...
  19. Sarah168

    VSU Rally vs. Tuts and Lectures?

    on the footbridge on city road, i saw some chalk writing that said "simon says"...then its rubbed out and someone wrote "vote for angus" HAHAHAHA that cracked me up
  20. Sarah168

    Have you cried yet?

    shit marks dont make me cry. stress and being overwhelmed makes me bawl. its pathetic i know..