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  1. T

    Corrections to Normal Distribution calculations in Textbooks

    Now there is one for Cambridge Y12 Section 10D:
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    Corrections to Normal Distribution calculations in Textbooks

    Here are the corrections to New Senior Mathematics Advanced Additional Sections 20.4 and 20.5
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    textbooks Used for 4 unit

    There is another one to look out for later in the year too. There is a thing called Year 12 Trialmaths Enterprises Past Trial Papers. They are basically sample papers. The current one is called 2020 Edition and has papers up to 2019 - so relevant to Standard 2 because they started a year early...
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    textbooks Used for 4 unit

    New titles coming out in 2021: Decode, HSC Mathematics 4 Unit Combined - Expected October, 2021 Green, J. and Hunter, J., A+ HSC Year 12 Mathematics Extension 2 Study Notes - Expected September, 2021 Green, J. and Hunter, J., A+ HSC Year 12 Mathematics Extension 2 Practice Exams - Expected...
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    What HSC markers had to say about last year's exam

    Usually an event is held on the last Saturday of February (or thereabouts subject to venue availability) at Macquarie University for HSC markers to give feedback to teachers from the previous year's HSC exams. It is usually face-to-face and teachers are told in no uncertain terms not to take...
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    Where can I find Cambridge worked solutions?

    Taking this a little further there is also a list for Ext. 2 for missing solutions: Ext 2 Cambridge solutions are complete except for: 1H Q17 2F Q17, 18, 19, 20, 21 3C Q11d 3D Q10 3E Q3e 4A Q5e 6F Q7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 6G Q7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 6H Q1, 2, 3...
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    Where can I find Cambridge worked solutions?

    They are in the Teacher's Suites. They are available to the teachers who may at their discretion make the solutions available to the students. They are however incomplete. You can buy them yourself but are wasting your money if your school will make them available to students for free. Anyway...
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    Maths Extension 2 Answers

    That's great. But I reiterate what I said in the other thread - that we should focus on what has not been released by Cambridge thus far, namely: 1F Q17 2F Q17, 18, 19, 20, 21 3C Q11d 3D Q10 3E Q3e 4A 5e 6F Q7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 6G Q7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 6H...
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    Maths Extension 2 Answers

    There is a thread on it here:
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    Resources for Standard 1

    It seems most of the maths courses now have mostly sufficient resources. Trials for Standard 2 (just as it was for General Maths) seem to still be hard to get (compared to 2u, ext. 1, ext. 2). But a scarcity of resources is even worse for Standard 1. So far we only have 2 hsc exams and books...
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    textbooks Used for 4 unit

    I have the book and apparently the solutions are coming out in February 2021 on their solutions website which seems to be working again (after many months of strangely redirecting to an unrelated website).
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    HSC Standard Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    Actually I was wrong. Here is another published before this one:
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    HSC Standard Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    itute solutions for standard 1: As far as I know these are the only solutions on the net so far for standard 1. If I am right, then today is the first day we now have complete online solutions to all...
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    textbooks Used for 4 unit

    They have finally fixed it now: (link: )
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    HSC Standard Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    itute solutions for standard 2:
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    HSC Advanced Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    itute solutions:
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    HSC Extension 2 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    itute solutions:
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    itute solutions to the 2020 Extension 1 HSC exam
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    textbooks Used for 4 unit

    The picture on the MANSW website is still incorrect, with the other "Author". I know it was just Jonathan Le for this one, so here is a real picture of the real book - with the correct cover (with just one author). This is important for referencing purposes.
  20. T

    textbooks Used for 4 unit

    Version 7 of Howard's book is out now. With this many versions in just over a year he really needs to do a "changelog" so we know what he has actually changed. It was pretty obvious for earlier versions when he was adding chapters. But now that it is complete, the changes aren't so obvious...