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  1. K

    HELP! Wats the diff. btw ethylene & ethene?

    :uhhuh: theyre both the same. i dont know why they bother. maybe they use one for industry and one for commercial? theres nothing for us better to do than to go on these boards ;)
  2. K


    ahaha i figured it out .. thanks CM tutor.. the alkanol has like 2 intermolecular hydrogen bonds, the alkanoic acid has 4 and the ester has none
  3. K

    Dot Point 2.2.8

    that right. i forgot. distinction average isnbt good enough for me. HD average is my minimal standard :rolleyes:
  4. K


    endothermic because the reaction requires heat to take places. stuff evaporates and there is a dehydrating agent used.
  5. K

    hsc online BIO notes..

    good riddance :rolleyes: :p pfft no.. sorry mate.. thats just not good enough :pi'd be damn ecstatic with that mark. i dont know why you're complaining :p
  6. K

    Curiosity regarding school marks...

    :mad: you want to get hit dont you ? :p no it doesnt. the fact that we go to girra means that we as a group will do generally better than a normal public state school. The good marks from a group give an indication that they are from a selective school and because the group has done well, the...
  7. K

    Chem Quiz

    what do you need out of 30 for one of those ? :p and how come your name isnt on it? are they that cheap ?
  8. K

    bio research project

    ignorance :rolleyes:
  9. K


    you went to sydney boys yeah newbie? i called up sydney girls for a transfer and they said the reason why they dont accelerate kids is that they beleive its at a one year disadvatage because that subject you accelerate in could run in parrallel with another of your other subject and that within...
  10. K


    discuss evidence for the mutagenic nature of radiation eep... what could possibly be a point against for this ?
  11. K


    They do dont they ? i know USYD offers it for like 97/98 and UNSW offer it at 86 i think
  12. K


    maybe chem didnt count? Pharmacy is competitive at USYD. i dont know about CSU though, but for sydney, my friend got high 96 and he had to do full fee because he just missed out. though my other friend got a low 97 and she got into HECS..
  13. K


    now that you put it in concext clara, i think you should do it again. you should ace it this year. you havent dropped it yet have you?
  14. K

    Ext 1 Maths

    yeah well symmons was like i have up until the last minute to drop. he says he will discuss it with me towards the end of the year if my marks lead towards a dangerous mark that is lower, then i will keep my old mark
  15. K

    Chem Quiz

    Whos entering? I just paid for mine today. this is my first time in doing it, whats in it ?
  16. K

    HSC Enrichment courses

    since when did peter shehan have HSC enrichment progs? i thought he was just a motivational speaker? NEAP = moeny eaters :)
  17. K

    dot point - 1.3.1

    yeah i have it and i've handed it in. its just that the one i was asking was the one where miss decided to scrap-the toothpicks one and i havent done that one yet. she said you guys did it last year wheni wasnt there so.. mehh :) its all good spanks cko ;)
  18. K

    Band 6 mark in Ext 1

    mark as in exam mark in exam ?
  19. K

    BEWARE the ex-UNI Graduate!!

    well the thought of abdooo doing it is rather painful.. the thought of him WANTING to is rather disturbing :cold: