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  1. K

    accelerated maths

    There should be one head person who writes it and i guess a panel of those who examine the test and get it verified etc. i guess that the person who wrote the test doesnt teach is fair because they could be subconciuosly teaching their students the components that are only going to be in the test.
  2. K

    What is a Physical Journey to you?
  3. K

    What do u do when you're upset about your English mark?

    cry. sleep. bash your head against an ice cube. cry. cry. sleep. cry. eat chocolate. punch the ground. sleep. for one i wouldnt complain because the marker has allocated you a mark in comparison to the rest of the grade and have marked accordingly to certain outcomes
  4. K

    Technology/Religion imaginative journeys?

    religion can be seen as a spiritual journey
  5. K

    Anyone know of Non-song, Non-book, Non-poem, Non-Film related text for Inner Journey?

    newspaper article, website (i think that would be good since your already on the net looking at my post :p)
  6. K

    What is a thesis???

    Thesis thesis ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thss) n. pl. theses (-sz) 1) A proposition that is maintained by argument. pretty much your "philosophical" understanding and interpretation of what an inner journey is. you need to relate to your texts and talk about how techniques are used...
  7. K

    Rant! AOS!!!

    admins dont have time to put up all the stuff theyve been submitted anyway. i remeber submitting my maths past papers mid last year and they still havent put them up yet :confused: there was a mention about this somwhere else in the forum - theyre really busy.
  8. K

    Changing Perspectives- Need Notes

    maybe try the main page of this site, since there have been 03ers and previuos years doing change ;)
  9. K

    The Tempest/Stimulus Booklet

    did they ask for you to produce another text of your choice? because it would be easier to link three texts rather than 2. I personally chose the tempest and journey into the interior because of the themes that are portrayed in both texts. one of the main themes in the tempest is "the clash...
  10. K

    Inner Journeys - Need Texts For Assessment i'm using spirited away for an imaginitve journey :p
  11. K

    need related texts!

    specifying which focus journeys would be good :) but even then, theres a bunch of stickied threads on variuos related material on each of the individual journeys already ;)
  12. K

    Wind in the Willows

    whats the purpose of the poll ? :uhhuh: anthropomorphism +the characters speculate about the journey +toad's journey attempts to broaden his mind with the knowledge of the world hmm IMO i didnt really like this text for imaginitive
  13. K

    accelerated maths

    its not that they cant be on this website, its just a matter of translating and referring to subjects that are equivalent. IMO going to another state's forum for their equivalent HSC is rather a waste of time, unless you're like melbournian who intends to go to uni in sydney :p
  14. K

    3 unit is 2 hard :(

    some context would be nice :) ie are you in year 11/12 ?
  15. K

    Ext 2 Topics

    same here, and because it looks funny, i lose marks :( . but i'm better at it now :D i think mechanics/volumes/harder 3 are the worst topics. they need a good understanding of their applications and the way the maths is used...
  16. K

    Loop of Henle

    isnt this part of maintaining a balance? its function is to reabsorb water in the kidney
  17. K

    hsc chem solutions?

    :rofl: dont be mean .. umm depends... this site might have some answers, i wouldnt know because my school issued me with a booklet they made with chem past papers and their marking guideleines/answers - they did it for all the sciences, though i havet got biology yet :( maybe the board of...
  18. K

    How should I revise maths 5 days before the exams

    you guys still have to do the 2 unit exam? :eek: do excericses and practice them under exam conditions ;)
  19. K

    Important: SC LIST

    Rahul? ur at mac uni arent you ? :confused:
  20. K

    i'm really really screwed at chem

    i think if you've tried your uber best, and nothing takes a turn, then you might find getting a tutor will be for your best interest. as people have said above, its prelim and that this is a practice year for you. chemistry is a demadning course and really isnt easy. maybe you should discuss...