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  1. K

    Hiragana chart

    :chainsaw:m it helped me remember by characters at least :rolleyes:
  2. K

    can you solve this?

    i see :) they try to teach you the whole ext 1 course in 2 weeks? :eek: do they give you a test after ? so am i ! :confused:
  3. K


    yeah :p all real roots occur in conjugate pairs :p
  4. K


    all real roots occur in conjugate pairs?
  5. K

    What textbooks are good?

    yeah he teaches at pre-uni and at pho pasteur bankstown :p
  6. K

    Notions of the Inner Journey

    there is a sticky on the variuos definitions of the focus journeys.
  7. K

    Imaginative journey's

    theres a link in the stickies above on related texts.. maybe you should look there first :)
  8. K

    vietnamese pop music

    sif not harisu :D
  9. K

    Whose starting assessments?

    my assesment started pouring in last term ! :(
  10. K

    the John Mayer thread (merged)

    lol why not !? :) i want backstage tickets to meet him :D:D let him serenade me :rolleyes: like you can talk :p
  11. K

    vietnamese pop music

    behind their ear .. thats damn disgusting stuff. i do martial arts in this arts and crafts hall and its lined with carpet. everynow and a again i would find someones toe nail clippings in a nice pile where i stand. /me shudders brainwashed by viet mothers tyring their kids to look "cute". boa is...
  12. K


    :rofl: ... a = delta v / t :)
  13. K

    who is this quin guy from ruse?

    :rofl: ouch.. thats gotta hurt... did he get accepted for med though? if he did, then that wouldve hurt even damn more
  14. K

    can you solve this?

    it doesnt does it ? :eek: as long as the statement is ture, then you have proved it.. //edit: tooheyz, how come your doing maths again anyway ? arent you due for uni soon ? :)
  15. K

    What textbooks are good?

    lol neither could i.. until i joined his tutoring :rolleyes:
  16. K


    ohhh okay. we used junket tablets :)
  17. K

    young and dangerous (hong kong i think)

    lol Y&D were out ages ago ! :p they were on SBS 5 years ago :)
  18. K

    vietnamese pop music

    rofl we had people from my school squatting on the train today. it looked a bit idiodic
  19. K


    have a peek in your textbook maybe ? they shoudl tell you what stands for what.. jacaranada does i think :)
  20. K

    can you solve this?

    let n = 1 LHS : 2^1 = 2 RHS : 1 + 1 = 2 .: true for n = 1 assume true for n = k 2^k >= k + 2 RTP n = k + 1 is true now 2^(k+1) >= k + 2 2^k x 2^1 >= k + 2 (k+1) x 2 >= k + 2 (from assumption) 2k + 2 >= k + 2 .: true i hope this is right. you kinda jerked my mind...