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  1. braindrainedAsh

    Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes...

    They didn't get rid of Indochina...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    What didn't count?

    Didn't you get a letter in the mail from UAC with your UAI on? It should have on there how many units of each subject counted in your UAI.
  3. braindrainedAsh


    I studied BNW/BR in 2003. If you have any specific questions about BR, just ask and us 2003-ers will try and help. My notes are on the main page. click on english, english advanced to find them. There are tons of notes there.
  4. braindrainedAsh

    what's my school ranked?

    Our school got on the english list in SMH... wow that's a big achievement for our school!
  5. braindrainedAsh

    2003 HSC Mathematics Results

    I got exam 91, assessment 90, HSC mark 91 band 6 I was happy, but would have liked a bit higher.
  6. braindrainedAsh

    is anyone going to the 8.30am thing for high achievers? (info day)

    Where do I get this stuff! I have never recieved cool stuff! Us country students, always missing out... *begins rambling about how unjust the gap between the city and the country is in Australian society...* And don't even get me started about the way these open days are on the 5th.... how...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    What didn't count?

    Hmm yeah well those two subjects were the ones that I really threw myself in to... I went to Vietnam for a Modern History trip and I really liked modern.... and ee2... a little bit of my soul went in to ee2.... but if I could do it again, I would still do those subjects again.
  8. braindrainedAsh

    A question about accepting scholarships

    I haven't got anything from Sydney... not even a knock back letter. That's all I'm expecting, and that's all that I ask for!
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Money spent on tuition

    My parents probably spent about $900 approx on chem tutoring for me this year, and about $300 on study guides. And $30 on school fees lol. So not too bad. I got rank 1 in chem, only got a HSC mark of 85 though.
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes...

    On another note, for the entire first week of the HSC Soph and I had that ch ch ch ch changes song stuck in our heads lol.... see what the HSC does to you!
  11. braindrainedAsh

    usyd open day

    It's stupid to have it on preference change day because it makes it impossible for all of us non Sydney-ites to go. Discrimination I say!!!! Also how the hell is one supposed to get to Usyd, UTS, UNSW and Wollongong Uni all on the same day!!!!! It's all so very stupid!
  12. braindrainedAsh

    Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes...

    War on Germany was also a nightmare for me... this syllabus looks a lot easier than the past one. It seems that there is a lot less than people have to know. I can't believe Personality Study has been increased to 25%... in my opinion it was easy marks, and now they are making it count for...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    What marks/band do i need to get an UAI of 97+?

    Hi, I got 96.5 and while I didn't do entirely the same subjects as you, I did go to the same school :) I found Modern History scaled badly. I got 89 in MH and it didn't count in my UAI, instead my 85 in chem counted! So I think you would need to get mid-higher 80's in chem, a band 6 in...
  14. braindrainedAsh

    speculative fiction

    Hey is that you Katie? It's Ashlee here from Yr 12 (well... finished Yr 12 now lol)
  15. braindrainedAsh

    UTS Residences

    I just applied to live there, and I was happy to be accepted because I am from the country and would have nowhere to live otherwise. You can apply online.
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Drop-out Rates, Law

    Well, of the 1 person I know who did law at UoW, the drop out rate was 100%. I think this is an accurate statistic lol.
  17. braindrainedAsh

    how did all the 2003ers go?

    Thanks Jingle... if I miss out on UTS, I'm packing my bags for Wollongong, or perhaps doing writing and contemp culture at UTS, I still haven't decided..... my mind is a mess at the moment, can't decide, and it makes it more difficult that I haven't even seen either of these unis!!!!!!!! Or...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    What didn't count?

    2 u modern history :( 1 u English Extension 2 :( The two subjects I was most passionate about... funny about that eh.
  19. braindrainedAsh


    I am in a predicament. My UAI= 96.5 My first preferance is Comm (journo)/Int Std at UTS... but I won't get in. So then my next preferance is just Comm (journo) at UTS which the cutoff last year was 96.3 so I don't know if I will get in. I then have some other preferances at UTS for...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Anyone thinking of a remark?

    To get your prac reassessed you would have to put in a protest to the board through your music teacher at school. A clerical recheck would not be this.