Search results

  1. kami

    UAI for canberra Medicine

    Errm...I don't think UOC has BMedicine, unless you're talking about BMedSci which usually has a cut-off in the mid 70s if memory serves me.
  2. kami

    Communications:Roll Call!/Getting to know you!

    I think I should have dropped Power and Change :(... *burns book review*
  3. kami

    First year meant to be the hardest?

    I doubt first year is harder[academically] than later years - I think so many people drop out because of adjustment issues or because they've realised the course they chose isn't for them or (and this is a big one) they can't afford all the costs associated with uni. And of course its harder...
  4. kami

    contemporary cultures one

    You wouldn't like it, if you had to present for this coming week - sensuous ethnography and greek historicity...*shudders*
  5. kami

    How long is a UAI useful?

    I've experienced the exact opposite actually - I've been repeatedly asked about my UAI while in uni. Though I think its more because people are searching for something to say, I still find it a little off putting.
  6. kami

    [TCC Student] Thinking of going to TAFE, after year 10.

    I'd like to add though, that you have to be at least 15 to go to TAFE [IIRC], you should also follow your inspirations rather than the daily grind like everyone else but perhaps there is a middle road. Its possible to do something called a vocational hsc where you only need to do three 2 unit...
  7. kami

    European Language

    Not doing a degree exactly but I do a Certificate of Languages(French) at MQ, which I'm planning on upgrading into a BA in Psych & French. I'm currently in first year, beginners level (FRN122) and its quite fun - nice teacher, small class etc. Its right up there as one of my favourite subjects...
  8. kami

    uai +5

    The reason why it helps is because part of your forms have to be verified by a 'responsible individual' eg your principal or a doctor, lawyer or accountant who is a family friend. This means they have to state how long you've had this problem, how its affected you and basically how deserving of...
  9. kami

    uai +5

    *wbg* is right in every way:) For more info, click here:
  10. kami


    I actually asked the owner guy about so many unis being missing (there's a complaint box thingo on the site) and he said he was in the process of doing all of that as they were apparently going to revamp the site or something along those lines.
  11. kami

    Cri Fi HSC Question 2005

    If you want an actual marked and submitted response the 2005 Past Response book for EE1 should be out soon, you can buy it at the Board Of Studies shop online or the central library for your region should have it.
  12. kami

    The Real Inspector Hound. Comedy Or Crime Fiction?

    An important part of this module is realising the effect of genre hybridity - the melding of certain genre conventions within a certain text. This happens in The Big Sleep where we have added romance conventions filtered into an essentially hardboiled/noir text. Similar comparisons can be made...
  13. kami

    i need help with something + how are you finidng tafe?

    Your mother would be right - many of the same modules for that course would be run in both day and night sessions in order to allow for the mass of people at TAFE who work full time and thus want to part time it at night. Another option though, is just to drop the specific modules in the day...
  14. kami

    'It' is coming!

    Speculations: Its a bos dance party - they've done it before plus this fits in with the friends thing, however its doesn't link that well so probably not. Another server so that they can handle all the new posters. Linking into the above..a new server but a separation of topics e.g Secondary and...
  15. kami

    how does one get to the SAM now?

    go here: then log in under the control panel of this page then fiddle with subjects/marks and voila!
  16. kami

    Crime Fic Past Question Stockpile & Discussion

    Regarding the quote, I think this is a nice place to start: Then you'd argue why crime fiction has been enduringly popular (linking to whether you agree or disagree with the quote) and maintain your argument by using your prescribed and...
  17. kami

    Communications:Roll Call!/Getting to know you!

    *blinks* Nope - I just got an e-mail from Raya...maybe its about your tute because someone is using certain equipment for the presentation?
  18. kami

    I had a BOS encounter!

    oooh! le compare en stalker liste? Pwaryuex: 'saw' at Open Day, though I guess we probably properly met at 'acceptance of enrollment' day. He's really cool - gave me and goldendawn a lift to MQ, Mac Centre and station + he knows almost everything. Glitterfairy: knew the elf on E from before...
  19. kami


    Given that traditional breeding techniques pretty much involves putting two animals together and hoping they get it on...then differing peak breeding periods would be a considerable issue, for example say Parrot A has a breeding season of March - July but Parrot B has a breeding season of...
  20. kami

    How long is a UAI useful?

    I suspect you can always use it, however with the way the system changes that if you left it too long there'd be new prerequisites that our 'old' UAIs wouldn't cover...