Search results

  1. kami

    help me!

    Put the one you want as your top preference for Late Rounds. I also wouldn't be too fussed about getting into Arts, there are alot of grad teaching courses.
  2. kami

    Chinese Cert I

    Yes...there are courses that require you to have sent applications in the previous semester and those where you basically rock up on the day. Certificate I in Chinese is one of the 'rock up on the day' ones.
  3. kami

    New mqers come on down!

    No need to look ;) *Evan gets out his blowpipe full of tranquiliser darts* >-> <-< *Evan shoots darts into the trees, the bushes and the trains* *Evan watches as stalkers drop out of the trees and fall over the trains* *Evan slaps a BOS sticker on the comatose stalker people's foreheads*...
  4. kami

    New mqers come on down!

    Wee! I'm a MQer now! (sort of) I will be doing the Certificate/Diploma program in Languages(French) at MQ while I do the Bachelor at UTS. The name is Evan. *looks around at all the stalkers hiding in the bushes* >-> <-< *runs*
  5. kami

    Anyone at UTS having troubles enrolling?

    Yep, just clicked the Step 7 button and clicked all the 'I agree' stuff.
  6. kami

    Anyone at UTS having troubles enrolling?

    I must be some weird anomaly because its working perfectly fine for me...
  7. kami

    2006 UTS Offers

    I recieved an offer for a HECS place in the Bachelor of Arts in Communications (Writing & Culture) which was my first preference, which I will accept.:)
  8. kami

    Post your (mid) 2006 Uni Offers here

    HECS place for Bachelor of Arts in Communications(Writing and Cultures) and Certificate/Diploma in Languages(French) with one at UTS and the other part at MQ.
  9. kami

    EAS offers

    UNSW usually releases their EAS cut-offs, however I have my doubts on whether other universities do the same. And yeah, every Main Round HECS offer recipient is listed in the paper tonight/tommorow. And everyone Main Round offer recipient will be on the website tonight as well.
  10. kami

    Whats your major?

    In some unis it is offered conjointly by both faculties - its kind of a grey area.
  11. kami

    stat test

    Anything that can help you get entry into the course you want is worth it. By sitting the test I got 100 in the RET and in the 99.8th percentile for STAT so if I had chosen to go to UWS I could have done any course they had on offer so long as my UAI hit the 80 mark. Sitting a test for a couple...
  12. kami

    BOS RPG Thread.

    I agree with Argonaut, if you were just gonna have a random milling of people doing their own thing then it won't be an RPG anymore it'll turn into something weird, plus it might spill over into the rest of the reading room which would not be good. On a lighter note, we've been bandying this...
  13. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    The universities don't care either way. So long as you meet their standards you are in.
  14. kami

    School is in 2 weeks, is there any POSSIBLE way i can still apply for TAFE?

    Yes and no - most TAFEs will have a compressed sequence of preliminary and HSC subjects however some have them separate. As I was mentioning, most TAFEs have a compressed sequence, so its likely you would be sitting your HSC this year for at least some (probably 2 or 3)subjects this year and...
  15. kami


    Hi miss_ teinille, there is a thread with advice on writing a proposal as well as a proposal posted(mine) that you might want want to check it out, here is the link: Your statement of intent is exactly that, its you presenting your...
  16. kami

    HELP: exploring eng topics

    Ok, a couple of tidbits: You provide links from your studies in Stage 6 English - this means any and everything is fair game from year 11 and 12 and advanced and extension 1. Second tidbit is - don't fuss about this yet, it'll come together later and you should be able to find various...
  17. kami

    School is in 2 weeks, is there any POSSIBLE way i can still apply for TAFE?

    Don't run away from home, don't drop out - you have so much ahead of you and to smother it that way would be the greatest of tragedies. Don't worry, things can and will turn out just so long as you don't give up. You'd be happy to find out that the TAFE HSC program has not had its enrollment...
  18. kami

    Handing out Flyers during O-day/week

    I think you should ask permission of the admin desk or the campus director etc if you wanna do that as it is the TAFE grounds/property.
  19. kami

    Handing out Flyers during O-day/week

    Depends on what you want to hand out flyers for - you'd probably have to talk the director of the campus for permission. It's important to remember too that TAFE does not have an O-week quite like the universities so there may not be the same effectiveness as regards the masses of students...