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  1. braindrainedAsh

    2003 HSC Marks

    Mine are in the attached file. I'm happy with some, really dissapointed with others and unsure if it will get me the UAI for my first pref :(
  2. braindrainedAsh

    usyd scholarship interviews

    I have heard nothing from Sydney either... stupid heads :(
  3. braindrainedAsh

    RET score

    What is ret?
  4. braindrainedAsh

    UAI confusion

    I have a recurring dream where I get 99.00.... I seriously hope dreams come true!
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Where is fairness???

    Enrol in tafe... then wait for your uni offers... then accept one of your uni offers, and drop out of the tafe course you enrolled in. Does that work?
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Political/ Current Affairs Books

    Is anyone in to these? At the moment I'm reading "The New Rulers of the World" by John Pilger. It's most interesting and eye opening. I really liked the first Michael Moore book, I haven't read the second one yet. Anyone else like this stuff? Any other suggestions?
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Go>>> Books at Newtown! yaya

    I went to King St in Newtown for an hour to get dinner... seemed cool. Except everything in the city is so "dirty" compared to towns out here... here everything is much cleaner.
  8. braindrainedAsh

    All rounders list

    So the results aren't published in the SMH till saturday?? I would have wasted a few dollars buying the SMH on thursday then!
  9. braindrainedAsh


    That is so degrading in my opinion. An autonomous 16/17/18 year old should organize themselves and shouldn't have the diary thing imposed upon them. It's really patronizing.
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Nice recap snake. Did anyone think that Burton was an absolute idiot for taking Jon with him? As soon as he did I was like "You idiot, now the girls will gang up on you!" he strategically needed to leave jon behind to keep the girls in their "alliances".... they got a bit too cocky and...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Survivor: Whos gonna win and your favourite survior

    Sandras a little bit of a psycho bitch.... I want darrah to win at this stage. Definatly not lil or jon!!
  12. braindrainedAsh


    Also if you take the ladder out of the swimming pool they just swim around until they die lol! We used to put the baby in a walled room so that the welfare person couldn't take it... it was stupid though, they still managed to get the baby!
  13. braindrainedAsh


    I wrote all my assessments in mine as well as other stuff like bdays. I also decorated it a lot! Especially in yr 10. I kept my yr 10 diary, it was a work of art!
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Analysis of Pride and Prejudice

    Thanks guys, but it's a shame I didn't write most of this stuff in my exam lol.
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Analysis of Pride and Prejudice

    1) In one part of this scene Lizzy is standing with her background as the garden, while Lady Catherine's background is a crumbling stone wall. The stone wall is symbolic of the crumbling values of the institution of the aristocracy, while the garden symbolizes Lizzy's connection with...
  16. braindrainedAsh

    What should i do

    I think that's an unfair generalization of people who get dux. I certainly wouldn't consider myself anti-social. I also get involved in a lot of other things like community service, debating, etc. You can't make generalizations like that. It may have been the case for one year at your school...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Christa was a bit too bitchy, Sandra is a bit too bitchy. Lil is annoying, whingey and naieve. Jon is a lying asshole. Burton... well he was an outcast. Darrah has that annoying accent but at the moment I want her to win lol. Does anyone know how survivor is shot? because I read that the...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    popstars 4-some people just never learn

    OMIGOD NOOOOOOOOO!!! I swear I won't watch this series... but I know I wi9ll be drawn in to it's clutches.... NOOOOOOOO Popstars sucks. Scott Cain couldn't even sing!!!! Why did he win? WHY? At least the Aussie Idol finalists could sing!
  19. braindrainedAsh

    School Uniforms

    Our summer dresses, even if you lengthen them to knee length (like mine lol... daggy and ugly) you still flash if you try to bend over or raise your arms above shoulder level. Noice. Different. Bloody annoying!!
  20. braindrainedAsh

    What should i do

    Depends what school you are at and what course you want lol! I got Dux at my school and I was stoked. I wasn't really aiming for it, I just wanted to do as well as I could... and things worked out quite well... Just try your hardest. You can get dux without that being your aim... just...