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  1. kami

    Prepare all three texts??

    I do CF not I&S, so it may be slightly different - but for us you basically should know 3 prescribeds and be able to use them but its up to you whether you do 2 or 3 prescribeds in the essay.
  2. kami

    Tomb Raider 2

    Well I think the text is usable, it all depends on the text that you intend to link it to for instance I'd have some reservations about linking The Tempest with Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. If you did want to use it, look at Lara's journey - what does it represent? what does it achieve...
  3. kami

    Mission Impossible?

    Don't be discouraged - anyone who relies only on scaling to secure them a spot at university would be unlikely to get the UAI necessary for a course like Sydney Law. Its usually the intelligent, talented or disciplined who do that well - regardless of their subjects.
  4. kami

    Tomb Raider 2

    I disagree, the student should be the one bringing sophistication to the essay and popularity does not preclude sophistication(a big chunk of my EE1 elective was on that idea). Then again I probably would have warned you away from Mr. Deeds as well.:p
  5. kami

    Tomb Raider 2

    Well firstly, do you mean the videogame or the movie? As they would be completely different to analyse.[Note: If its the game, and you are only just looking at it now, then I'd advise against it as a videogame is more fiddly and its a bit late to start analysing it *now*]
  6. kami

    Difference between ALLELE and GENE

    A gene is a section of DNA coding for proteins that expresses itself as the phenotype of an organism. Alleles are alternative forms of a gene.
  7. kami

    What do we need related texts for? and how many?

    AOS: 1 Prescribed text, 1 Stimulus Book text, 2 texts of your own choosing Module A: 2 Prescribed texts Module B: 1 Prescribed text Module C: 1 Prescribed text, 2 texts of your own choosing
  8. kami

    waste water treatment

    Its essentially a non issue though - the things you'd need to do to answer a q. in the exam about cleansing waste water, wouldn't be radically different, as in Biology there is a segment on it[cleansing waste water] and the techniques are mostly the same...
  9. kami

    Clarify dot point

    When I finished this subject last year, I had one for each type ready to use - Scurvy(nutritional), Down Syndrome(genetic) and Lead poisoning(environmental).
  10. kami

    Is it over for me?

    between 5 and 9 units - ie you could do a minimum of 5 units and get a limited UAI or a maximum of 9 units to get a limited UAI. Or you could do 6 units, or 7 or 8, but you couldn't do 10 or higher and you couldn't 4 or lower.
  11. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Dave? Hello Dave. And don't forget to remove yourself from Matt's ear.:D
  12. kami

    Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase

    Oops, sorry Justin.:o Well, there is a thought I had about showcase - does every medium *have* to be represented in there? As I would not have thought, given the candidature size, there were enough students to get 100% in all mediums.
  13. kami

    Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase

    Why oh why would I do something like that monsieur? *sends subliminal messages into the populace to take down the markers* SREKRAM EHT TLUASSA!! Oh, and since you're custom status is just asking for it...Hi Alan! I'm Evan! *waves*:D
  14. kami

    Disadvantage forms

    No, your counsellor must be confused between allocation and the EAS itself. EAS is only for the main round. Allocation, which is a method used by some unis with their EAS candidates, means that within that limit they will consider you for all courses you have put a preference for. Essentially...
  15. kami

    Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase

    Are we gonna fight over who's got the worst work now?:p Your work was great, and a good handful of uni students would wish that they could hand something that good in for an assignment - so don't worry! lol, It seems that EE2 BoS class of 05 will just have to bodily assault the marking centres...
  16. kami

    Disadvantage forms

    Some unis send notification letters regarding your EAS application, some don't, so its best to just sit tight for a while. EDIT: Its only USYD, UTS and UNSW who send out letters, and they do so in late December.
  17. kami

    difference between a theme, motif and symbol

    Theme: This is the idea or issue that is in general presented to you by a text. For example one of the themes in Lear are: blindness resulting from power or in a Pardoner's Tale the theme is: greed is the root of all evil. Symbol: This is something within a text that represents something else...
  18. kami

    Uai Prediction Plzzzzz!

    lol, calm down - remember what I said? Its *all* up to you now. You can get a score like Marcio, or you can get a stellar UAI, just don't procrastinate about your score instead study to get it!
  19. kami

    Uai Prediction Plzzzzz!

    Don't be silly, its up to you at this point to achieve your UAI. And its extremely difficult to predict with TAFE students as the candidature fluctuates so greatly each year. A girl from my class last year at TAFE got a 99+ UAI as well as state ranking in math and bottom was a *, so as I said -...
  20. kami

    dropping a subject

    There are no penalties as regard your UAI if you drop a subject, the reason many people have additional units to their required subject load is that they may desire to have a "safety net" of sorts in case they do poorly in a subject or it may be to follow personal interests, or because they wish...