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  1. braindrainedAsh


    boo hoo me needs some money!!! Does anyone know of any scholarships that are open to people from any uni??? Or stuff like that? Thanks for your help!
  2. braindrainedAsh

    gift ideas for teachers

    I'm stuck for ideas too.... alcohol sounds like a good idea lol. For me I mean.
  3. braindrainedAsh

    HSC Preparation Tips (The Original Post)

    I don't understand how it came off as that, it truly was not my intention, and I just hope that all of this bitterness will be put to rest. I guess that is one of the troubles with the internet, it's hard to communicate tone and register at times, which can lead to misinterpretation.
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Useful History Links

    I've found some helpful links for Modern History over this year, and they are accumulated in my favorites folder. I thought maybe we could put helpful links in this thread to help each other out. Time Magazine Article on Adolf Hitler...
  5. braindrainedAsh

    HSC Preparation Tips (The Original Post)

    Um yeah, lets just move on, get back to history, or rather just make this all history. :)
  6. braindrainedAsh


    Are there any scholarships for undergrads at UTS except the accounting and IT ones? I can't seem to find any!!!! I'm interested in Communications btw.
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Nazi Germany

    Yeah, economic policy is another one. It might be best just to focus on a few key points and cover them more comprehensively, rather than skim over a ton of points. Perhaps you could have a contention like "Nationalism impacted upon the rise of Nazis to power, as well as many aspects of Nazi...
  8. braindrainedAsh

    Why Do Teachers Complain?

    I think though if they don't give them a pay raise the quality of teachers will continue to decline in public schools. If smart and enthusiastic teachers can earn a lot more in either the private sector or in other careers, then they will continue to leave and public schools will be left with...
  9. braindrainedAsh


    I agree with you Melbournian, it does seem somewhat artificial.... but I don't know if I'm up for the private school boarding house atmosphere of the colleges at Sydney, I think I'd like a little more freedom......
  10. braindrainedAsh

    So Year 12s .. what's your first preference??

    Mine is BA Communications (Journalism)/International Studies @ UTS
  11. braindrainedAsh

    HSC Online forums
  12. braindrainedAsh

    Nazi Germany

    Perhaps you could talk about how the Nazis used German feelings of nationalism to gain support in the period between 1928 and 33 (E.g. appealed to the bruised pride of Germans after Versailles, promised a stronger Germany, etc). You could then perhaps talk about the impact of nationalism on...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    HSC Preparation Tips (The Original Post)

    I'm really sorry, I was just trying to be helpful.... I didn't mean to sound condescending or anything... I'm sure heaps of you guys are better at history than me anyway... I was just sharing some of the tips that I found helpful in preparing for the trials and stuff. We all help each other out...
  14. braindrainedAsh

    i have 2 days of school left, how bout you? how do u feel?

    Wednesday is my last day of lessons, Muck Up Day is on Thursday..... boohooo I'm going to miss it, but I want to move on at the same time....
  15. braindrainedAsh

    who's up for communications?

    Communications (Journalism) is my 5th preference.... so I probably won't end up at Bathurst.... if all goes according to plan UAI wise. UTS is my goal.
  16. braindrainedAsh

    who are they?

    Wow.... I feel so honored, it's all too m.. *faints from excitement*
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Why Do Teachers Complain?

    I think good teachers deserve more pay.... the shit they have to deal with.... the work after hours. I owe a lot to my fantastic teachers, they have donated so much of their time.... teachers are pretty damn important, they shape your future in so many ways! Unless they start getting better...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    4 unit english 4 unit maths?

    I hate Changing Perspective as well.... King Lear is OK and Frontline and BNW/BR are juuuust OK...... I like extension a lot more.
  19. braindrainedAsh

    HSC Preparation Tips (The Original Post)

    HSC Preparation Tips Hi everyone, Here are some tips I have for preparation and study for Modern History. Feel free to add your own to this list by replying! -For your national study and study in peace and conflict, historiography is important. You will notice that the top band answers...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Communications at Wollongong?

    I think that journalism at wollongong is a fiarly new course so it hasn't built up the reputation in the industry yet. However it is one of my preferences :)