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  1. kami

    Starting with a quote

    You go girl/guy!
  2. kami


    Just make sure you finish you multi gendered goddess of balls and love, you!
  3. kami

    Starting with a quote

    They might just be experiencing chronological dislexia...but anyway. It would likely count because every word that contributes to your major is included, yes? So if this contributed to the overall effect then it is only fair that it be counted.
  4. kami


    You'd better take over Dreamerish's mind again tommorow James, cause I want to find out how you go!
  5. kami

    Starting with a quote

    I think it does count...:(
  6. kami

    please vote: 4u maths or 3u eng?

    Try Ext 2 Maths definitely - you can drop it later if you find its giving you problems. I'd also say give Ext 1 English a go for a couple of weeks and see what you think since the HSC course is different to prelim and Advanced and Ext 1 couldn't be more different but if you still don't like it...
  7. kami


    Um, male Dreamerish? Or female Dreamerish?:p And James, when are you getting unbanned from the Airness account?
  8. kami

    What's the best tafe for DeSigN?

    The best TAFE for design is the one at Enmore For your portfolio I can only give you the generic advice in that the more practical sectors are less interested in which subjects you have trained in, but rather how much you can show them so if you have any design...
  9. kami

    Hsc Tafe Attendance

    Well in order to be awarded the Higher School Certificate your Principal/Head Teacher/ HSC Co-ordinator must submit to the Board of Studies that you have made a satisfactory attempt in each of your subjects. One of the criteria for the satisfactory attempt is attendance, however not only do...
  10. kami


    It is your choice what you prioritise - you also take responsibility for what you choose, if Dreamerish(james) wants to risk consequences thats *his* choice and its the choice of his classmates also.
  11. kami

    Enmore Tafe

    Here's a link with some info on Enmore TAFE Its basically a specialist design TAFE.
  12. kami


    Are you referring to the entire cohort or Dreamerish(james)' class? Because if you are referring to the cohort and wish to make that complaint then I should be entitled to say that all had to hand it in and send it off to the Board on Monday like me. So that there is no unfair advantage of...
  13. kami

    Free ebooks and online texts

    This website contains a short story written by Robin Hobb's other pseudonym:
  14. kami

    Sara Douglass

    I love Troy Game. I want its babies. Now that that is out of the way, I think its a marvellous piece and now that I've finished Darkwitch Rising I think I like it a little less which makes me a tad sad to say. The preceding books felt very rich, and this one shares this but you can tell at...
  15. kami

    External Editing

    They're just being...clingy I suppose. Just push and they'll deal with it. I think though with your time constraints, you are gonna need someone to check over the grammar and wording for you but if you really think your teacher is gonna be a bit too trigger happy then try to get an external...
  16. kami

    should english be compsory

    My main disagreements with this point are: 1. Not everyone who does the HSC is seeking a UAI, and even of those that do seek a UAI many end up at TAFE or another sector, rendering the UAI moot and the idea of UAI induced incentive meaningless. 2. If they did want a UAI - a decent one at that...
  17. kami

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    Its not always a question of either arrogance or crap work if someone doesn't post their major work. And its not hubris or arrogance to be wary of it being copied word for word either because even though it might be a stupid idea to copy it, there are possibly some desperate people out there who...
  18. kami


    Haha, ok then...its mightily confusing though. Dreamerish is the only person on bored with multiple genders...I can only imagine her poor boyfriend.:p
  19. kami

    OMG i cant believe it.....I HANDED IT IN TODAY

    Congratulations! :D 1 unit down;)
  20. kami


    I'm slightly this girl Dreamerish or boy Dreamerish?