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  1. ezOolong

    Will I be disadvantaged if I pick esl

    PLEASE PICK ESL AS LONG AS YOU CAN PLEASE PICK ESL AS LONG AS YOU CAN PLEASE PICK ESL AS LONG AS YOU CAN You’ve got the greatest advantage at your hand and never let go
  2. ezOolong

    Handwriting - Is mine legible/acceptable for exams?

    My suggestion is to consciously change your writing from being italic then you are good to go — however, if you are closer to exams, don’t stress about your ‘illegible’ handwriting too much (as was my case) because you really don’t know how great the markers are in reading terrible handwritings...
  3. ezOolong

    NSW Selective Schools Dynamics

    This sounds like the stress my older sister (in her 30's) seems to have right now with her kid in Shanghai LOL. But no, here in Australia, it is nowhere near as competitive as the Shanghainese high schools, speaking from experience in both countries. Instruments / tutoring are not a must either...
  4. ezOolong

    State Ranks

    I highly doubt so as my handwriting is tragic as hell -- have you ever seen doctors' prescriptions?