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  1. kami

    Wants to break down and cry.

    Reassurance: Who you are, and what you are, are in no way defined by your UAI, or what some school administrator thinks. If you chose to go to medical school there are ways to get in with the lowest of scores, remember you only need *a* bachelor to do post-grad, you could do a bachelor of arts...
  2. kami

    Topics covered up til now

    Our teacher believes that we only need to waste time on it if we are too stupid to do it ourselves, this ignores the fact that our teacher is so stupid that he asks us for student solutions, so he can do examples on the board.
  3. kami

    Topics covered up til now

    Done:Complex Numbers, Polynomials, Graphing To go: everything else but harder 3unit which we arent doing.
  4. kami

    Alternative Bored funding

    To run with those points..well basically invite tutors, teachers(students and otherwise) in to advertise their services for the future(from Bos or anywhere you can convince, they can only say no, right?)-most of the kids going to a mentor day have issues with independent study, so it would be...
  5. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan is hurt...Are Lynn and Evan not enough to satisfy Airness? lol Do not worry Airness, I'm sure jhakka or goldendawn will post something eventually.
  6. kami

    Alternative Bored funding

    the whole point of this thread was how to fund Bos without increasing the ads, and making some sort of elite paid for advice section defeats the whole purpose of having a free resource for students
  7. kami

    Alternative Bored funding

    Well logistically it would be difficult to use past students as while BoS has many prodigal minds, not all of them are suited to this sort of thing, as many of them would not do it without pay and others may be too far away. So in a lot of ways it once again restricts it to the bos staff and...
  8. kami

    anyone going to the real inspector hound production?

    I'm planning on going to the one at unsw..........
  9. kami

    2005 HSC Exam Timetable - what do u think? there you go
  10. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Oooh! Another arrival :) Well, with Biology I came second in the grade and recieved a high band 5- I could have done better but my overconfidence ruined it, I left the test an hour and a half early... In English Advanced, I absolutely ripped the Area of Study paper as it turned out to be...
  11. kami

    Hsc 2005 Timetable

    ................ :eek: That is soooo weird, I'm sitting math ext 2 on my birthday as well...
  12. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Hi! *waves* Come back soon! :uhhuh: Well while everyone may want to take a chomp of Airness, there would be no more Airness left before long, so Evan will refrain(Evan also suspects it is an ambition of Airness' to walk around with a sign on his back saying: "taste me"). Well, to buy into the...
  13. kami

    Important - Please Read

    OOOOH! Fresh meat! Lol. Don't worry, Evan is merely joking. Hello Airness! Welcome to IPR. Its about time some other Extension 2 05ers floated on in here.:) Evan would like to announce to Airness that if he is quick, he can buy shares in the lucrative Important-Please Read corporation where...
  14. kami

    Advance Copy of HSC timetable

    ...NO! This cannot be true! Its not fair! Mathematics Extension 2 on my birthday! :eek:
  15. kami

    Anyone ready to throw the towel in?

    I keep declaring to people that I'm going to give up,lol, but I know I won't, even though my workload is so heavy I feel like screaming. If I did fail/drop out though I wouldn't exactly repeat..i'd probably do some different subjects that I've always wanted to do but couldn't, as well as a...
  16. kami

    Little help plz

    hmmm..thats a toughie. Well how about misogynism? Hardboiled, and Big Sleep both portray women as stigmatised femme fatales(think the younger sister) who fall for men and are defined by them. Anils Ghost challenges this convention of having women being weak in crime, and the Hardboiled genre in...
  17. kami

    Little help plz

    perhaps you might want to look at the fact that anils ghost and to a lesser extent skull beneath the skin dont have the clearcut solutions of normal crime fiction and so redefine the genre in their way. You could then link this to the fact that james and ondaatje crafted social reflection in...
  18. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan is highly amused to note that from Lynn's words, his turn at popularity at USYD will precede Justins' :p Poor Justin ...according to Lynn you have more than a year before popularity occurs :p
  19. kami


    Yup, I'm doing Extension English. I am doing a short story involving subversion of the classic fairytale, as well as throwing some gruesome stuff in there too. Its very enjoyable but particularly difficult, since I'm playing around with fantasy conventions basically but I am not doing...
  20. kami


    I am doing something vaguely similar to you in that I am doing my HSC at Tafe though I am only technically what you would call Pathways by your definition.So on to your progress question, most of the students at our Tafe which recently picked up this subject have completed there proposal, have a...