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  1. breaking

    Does anyone else think the asian food place in the cafeteria puts in too much MSG?

    what did you expect from a small asian take away food store???
  2. breaking

    music that sucks

    not music.
  3. breaking

    music that sucks

    omghi2u <3
  4. breaking

    Meadowbank Tafe

    i'm doin certif. 3 food n beverage operations prolly do management next year wat about u bowman?
  5. breaking

    Weird thing happened at the bus stop... advice needed

    BAHAHAHA you pathetic little faggot
  6. breaking

    digital tv

    yeah it is thru the antenna still - i'm not sure how it works either =S but in most cases, it does improve ur reception heaps if u have any doubts just ask at dick smiths or something
  7. breaking

    i wanna get wireless internet

    netgear stuff is pretty good, high quality
  8. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    lol you used to be able to win omni telephones on plucka duck.
  9. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    the top level about in the middle, perhaps a bit more towards the woolies end. it's near optus world, hmv etc... on that side. (i.e. not on the food court side)
  10. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    omg hi2u umm..... david jones sydney hi-fi target myer (possibly) etc etc
  11. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    which westfields, abby?
  12. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    they are $149 without the discount u can only get the discount if ur a uni student and u can only get the discount from apple stores.
  13. breaking

    Why is it I am now just suddenly happy?

    msn is worse, lol.
  14. breaking

    Why is it I am now just suddenly happy?

    wow, SMS. that takes guts, man. :)
  15. breaking

    Forum Lingo

    kekekeke towel pag T.I - Bring Em Out
  16. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    asy! answer my Q!
  17. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    you can't, if you want the headphones you have to pay like $80 or something for the headphones + remote
  18. breaking

    ipod - worth it?

    i thought they were the same as the normal ipod earphones???
  19. breaking

    music that rules

  20. breaking

    How to get a b/f

    beccaxx = aj?