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  1. breaking

    best movie - ZOOLANDER kthxbye
  2. breaking

    student teacher relationships

    lmao :D:D:D
  3. breaking

    Numb/Encore - Linkin Park/Jay Z what a combo?

    oh fo' sho'
  4. breaking

    BOS clock losing time???

    it's still losing time - it's like 20 mins behind now
  5. breaking

    what should i do?

    she's a friend. a FRIEND kthxbai
  6. breaking


    that's awfully shallow of you
  7. breaking

    CNN : Mastermind Terrorists strike again

    if you think you could do a better job, feel free to PM one of the mods :)
  8. breaking


    yep .
  9. breaking


    how come ur_inner_child isnt one?
  10. breaking


    i agree with most of what tattoodguy said..... however the part about compo for ppl who r "psychologically" harmed from jail n stuff is just a tad hypocritical.... what about the people that the criminals have harmed psychologically? huh? especially pedofiles. who gives a shit what happens to...
  11. breaking

    i'll take ya to the candy shop

    yeah i know
  12. breaking

    bankstown campus

    lol, lol, lol
  13. breaking

    bankstown campus

    jus stand in or near the security office @ the station and travel next to the guard on the train
  14. breaking

    bankstown campus

    really? how come?
  15. breaking

    bankstown campus

    this wasnt in bankstown this was in quakers (the one i was talking about) i didnt mean to stereotypicalise wogs or anything in my story, sorry if i came across that way
  16. breaking

    bankstown campus

    and yelling out to 14 year old chicks for their number so fucking sleazy i was walking home from work the other day i was walking along the path and these 2 chicks were walking towards me it was near traffic lights and the cars were stopped, some sleazy wog dude leans out of the back window...
  17. breaking

    bankstown campus

    lol she's not wrong there...... crime and assault rates are pretty high in that area
  18. breaking

    Money and relationships

    oh well :(
  19. breaking

    circumcised vs uncircumcised

    thanks for that bubz :)
  20. breaking


    cause he's a 1337 mod and he pwns j00 all