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  1. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan has learnt The Way of The Katie
  2. kami

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    Evan is sure Katie has human pets :)
  3. kami

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    Then Evan brings in Ruby and Jade - his Eclectus Parrots (or dog conquerors whichever rolls off the tongue more)
  4. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan thought Justin was nasty already :D Evan wonders if he can bring his Shadow into the mix.
  5. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan bakes Justin some brownies :)
  6. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan starts singing the Lament for Justin: "Oh, Justin was a sucky actor. And a real bad runner. He also was a huge bludger...
  7. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan cries not just because Justin is a bad actor but because he is a horrendous runner
  8. kami

    Important - Please Read

    That's because it is very simple to accomodate grand figures such as yourself Lynn
  9. kami

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    Lynn gets five points :)
  10. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan asks what Marcus has been up to, as Evan needs to leech off of others entertainment at the moment
  11. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Yay! Shadow should get a little veteran's medal made up don't you think? Evan would like to also announce a few things: 1)Hello Marcus 2)Evan is officially going to kill his friend for being 3 hours late so that he instead saw Elektra instead of Alexander 3) Elektra is sooo crap that it...
  12. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan wishes IPR a temporary farewell as he is now going to watch Alexander with his friends.Bye!
  13. kami

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    Scooby Doobby Doo! :)
  14. kami

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    That is because Justin is indeed a fake identity - he is in fact Nick Giannoppillis- the Wog Boy and he is after Lynn :D :uhhuh:
  15. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan wonders since "real life" is recommencing so soon if there is an IPR meet-up coming up and if so would it be to too presumptuos to ask if he could come along
  16. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan gets no Hello? :( Evan also asks how everyones enrollment went if he hasn't asked already Edit: Evan thinks Lynn should not worry about her work as Evan thinks it is much better than deus ex machina's
  17. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan will not bite Matt's head off for saying Pathways and states he completed CGVE( TAFE delivered vocational Year 10) in 2003 then proceeded to do HSC at TAFE where along with everything else he sat English Adv & Biology exams for the HSC last year and is finishing this year so most definitely...
  18. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    With OTEN you get basically no feedback and minimal notes you basically teach yourself and if you couldn't do well in this course previously what makes you think you can now without any classes, OTEN should be used as the absolute last resort. And "CLEVER NAME" Not all kids in TAFE are dumbasses...
  19. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan knows of it because he gets it for free :D The only drawback is that as stated earlier the classes reflrct the tutoring so if that particular TAFE only offers year 10 english then that is basically what you get, so if you live in the North Sydney or Wollongong areas then you're in luck...
  20. kami

    Important - Please Read

    When Evan enrolled at TAFE last year he discovered a service offered at TAFE where for around $120 you can enroll in a semesters worth of tutoring, 15 hours a week in Maths, English and Languages. An enrollment in any ILC gives membership to every ILC in the state the only barrier being that...