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  1. kami

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    If you are referring to the skanks then Evan's dissapointment increases exponentially
  2. kami

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    Ohhhh... Evan doesn't know why but on hearing Marcus went to a dance festival full of skanks he is oddly dissapointed in young Marcus
  3. kami

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    Hi Marcus What is a Bacardi Festival?
  4. kami

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    Evan says if Katie wishes for uptown girl to be returned unharmed then she must play football in stillettoes
  5. kami

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    NO, the anticipation of boredom contains only a fractional allure for Evan, so Evan's initialisation of his weekend is soured by the afore-mentioned distorted allure
  6. kami

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    Katie really loves uptown girl doesn't she? "Hmmmm" Evan plots to kidnap Katie's uptown girl c-d and hold it hostage for*lifts pinky to lip like dr.evil* "One million dollars, hahahahaha!"
  7. kami

    Important - Please Read

    In the summer Evan has intense trouble sleeping so instead just occupies himself till he falls asleep
  8. kami

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    Katie has a very strangely structured life......but at least Katie does not sleep 16 hours a day like one of Evan's friends does
  9. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    that's not reduced since you are only doing the year 12 part, so important note for anyone thinking about bradfield- it is a school run by TAFE, not a normal TAFE, so delivery is over the same time period as school.
  10. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan knew Katie would rise to the bait :) on a side note Evan queries whether Katie ever really sleeps
  11. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Katie is indeed this cat, the main factor being that the cat gets peeved off just like katie Edit: Evan says there was a crude joke that would have been easy to make, so should recieve a million dollar prize for his restraint
  12. kami

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    kinky friedman is a fictional character, he is a guitar-playing jewish cowboy who just happens to be a PI and he takes his extraordinarily opinionated if unnamed cat with him
  13. kami

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    Evan has redrawn his mental images of certain IPR members and now thinks Katie is Kinky Friedman's cat, Justin is Chade & Lynn is Tinkerbell
  14. kami

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    good night Lynn sleep tight and have sweet dreams mon cherie
  15. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan does frequently, in the area of study paper, Evan wrote a first person story about a hippy turned into a bitter paraplegic reminiscing about a crack whore he used to be in love with while a nurse is placing a bed pan under his ass Edit: Evan's current story is in third
  16. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan is the exact opposite can only write when he feels distant, remote and almost mathematical, sometimes though when he's in a real funny mood he writes these weird stories for area of study that seem to get good marks
  17. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan will consider Lynn's request and will overpower Alan in any way Lynn sees fit
  18. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan agrees that he will probably not beat Lynn, Marcus or Justin but Alan is only beating Evan by around 80 posts, so Alan is going to be steamrolled. Evan agrees that quantity is not as important as quality but considering how fantastic everyone who's posted in this forum is, Evan thinks no...
  19. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan states that Marcus,Lynn, Justin & Alan are the only ones exceeding his post count :eek:
  20. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan gets scope rifle and takes aim at Marcus