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  1. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Well technically it is not Evan's list as he secretly raided it from Alan. This list contains incriminating evidence against all IPR members especially Justin and a ritual involving a nun, a rhino, Alan and a lot of Vodka. Everytime an IPR member has met with Evan's approval he has stricken them...
  2. kami

    Blade Trinity

    since u obviously misunderstood I will say it again Snipes could not perform in a sequel i.e a sequel to Blade 3 which both Snipes and Goyer stated was originally in the works but Snipes neither wished to or was capable of continuing
  3. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan states that Justin is in Evan's book of Evil Phallus of Doom people and that Evan will at a moments notice unleash his latest monsters to attack Justin. Evan also thinks that if Katie and Marcus are going to continue gasping they should go to LA Sars classes together and became experts at it.
  4. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    *sigh* I wish people would read what I've already typed u bring ur yr10/CGVE/prelim e.t.c results plus ID, if u have it proof of centrelink & thats about it. And no UAC does not scale diff. for TAFE goers your performance & statewide scaling is all that matters, generally people state that...
  5. kami

    Blade Trinity

    If u knew anything JKD then u would know that Snipes had 2 be sidelined as he has already stated he might not physically be up to it and could not perform in a sequel. Also you would know that the new characters introduced have generated so much new interest that goyer and marvel are thinking of...
  6. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan then suggests Katie get one of those motorised wheelchairs to get to her destination. Apparently they can go up to 40ks/h.
  7. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan think's Katie should buy a share in a pie company so that she can get unlimited supplies of her favourite substance or to phrase it more colloquially "get her pie fix". *Ponders* Perhaps this makes Katie a pie junkie.
  8. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Granville: and Bradfield is down the road from North Syd TAFE I think
  9. kami

    Blade Trinity

    I hate to say it but none of you r really Blade fans since I bet none of u have read the Blade comic(which is absolutely shithouse) that the whole thing was based on so stop being such purists whining about something slightly new because it displeases your non-existent fanaticism surrounding Blade .
  10. kami

    Blade Trinity

    R u all kidding? Snipes had the personality of an ironing board and I'm not even gonna talk about the dufus playing dracula. The new people were what saved it and improved the franchise, I mean that vampire chick with a screw loose was cool as hell and Ryan Reynolds and that little dog were...
  11. kami

    Is this too much of a risk?

    um as long as its not just filler and it actually moves the story along I cant see a prob
  12. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Bankstown does but it doesn't have EES, there is only 3 TAFEs in NSW with Math E2 so its that or Nth. Syd or Meadowbank
  13. kami

    Dutch Continuers

    Well it depends on the area, the place my mother grew up in was fairly near to thew border so her and her siblings are all like quadrilingual, but for me understanding German would be like reading everything backwards in the mirror. A good example is that during the wars, apparently the dutch...
  14. kami

    Important - Please Read

    As Marcus wants to become an Ibis, Evan would like to know if Marcus wants any stale bread from the garbage bin. Evan's dog has only peed a minute amount on it.
  15. kami

    Important - Please Read

    As Katie apologised for her harshness she goes onto the nice people list. It is very strange that since encountering the pocket universe that is IPR all but two of its residents have appeared on Evan's Evil phallic list.
  16. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan accepts the post of official IPR assorted waterfowl on one condition - that someone accepts a position as the IPR quail
  17. kami

    Important - Please Read

    YaY. Does this mean that Evan is an official member since the goddess susan proclaimed him an 04er. And does this mean that Evan is now superior to katie?
  18. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    sasky it depends on your subject background as the extensions should be considered as"year 13" classes per se , so for example when I did 3u Math, I had sat my HSC exam for it a year after my year 10 and had no where near the neccesary background to attempt in a single sitting and this applies...
  19. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan queries if he is the only non 04er to attempt to infiltrate the secret society of IPR and lived to tell the tale Evan also feels slightly disconcerted by hotcocoa babes name as she is the only person aside from his budgie to employ it. From this he asks if Amber has any psychic connections...
  20. kami

    Important - Please Read

    In response Evan unleashes the light-saber weilding Care Bear Jedi strike force "Attack my pets. Attack!" And Evan also thinks that perchance Marcus may have selected a slightly better term than "mount" given the phallic nature of this forum.