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  1. Verify

    What to do in 6 weeks holiday after first term of Year 12?

    Don't work too much during the summer break. Do some light study and catch up or revise on things that you aren't 100% clear on from the previous term. Don't go ahead of your class during the break imo. Maybe slightly but don't go far ahead. You're better off consolidating what you already know...
  2. Verify

    How long do u study leading up to HSC?

    Very little - I'd say the work amounts to like 3 hours spread out throughout the day
  3. Verify

    How do I remember all the notes I've written?

    Start memorising points that you KNOW will be troublesome to remember instead of studying aspects of topics that you enjoy or are confident with.
  4. Verify

    Haha !! Yeah he's my modern teacher and he said there was no lesson cos he was your year advisor...

    Haha !! Yeah he's my modern teacher and he said there was no lesson cos he was your year advisor and had to go to your grad. :] any beef between Mr D and your school??
  5. Verify

    do people still stay in touch after graduated from high school?

    I hope so. But I don't think I'll be seeing anyone except my closest friends from HS.
  6. Verify

    My ATAR

    Yes, with your current ranks I think your aim is plausible given you do well in externals.
  7. Verify

    My ATAR

    I'd say if you do well in externals you shouldn't have to worry about having to achieve your aim. Good luck :)
  8. Verify

    Atar estimate - overall ranks

    These rankings definitely warrant 99+ ATAR.The median ATAR at Ruse is a little over 99. I'd say at least 99.5+ like above^. Beast rankings man. :)
  9. Verify

    Making it into Selective school!

    Just ignore them. The 'tech vs high' rivalry is stupid.
  10. Verify

    Is memorising essays such a bad idea? Discuss. This has probs come up before, but...

    Re: Is memorising essays such a bad idea? Discuss. This has probs come up before, bu All you need to do is answer the question. Make sure you do that.
  11. Verify

    4u maths

    4u is something different from the rest of your subjects. It requires special attention because you need to understand the foundations of the course to do well. So I'd say you'd need to constantly be studying for 4u throughout Year 12 or else you'd risk falling behind. For 4u, consistency is the...
  12. Verify

    2014 Internal Ranks Thread

    Pretty bad School rank 32 ENG ADV: =48/166 MOD HIST: =18/35 ANC HIST: 12/18 MX1: 68/120 MX2: 60/78. Dreams of 95 ATAR from beginning of year slowly scraping away.
  13. Verify

    James Ruse vs NBSC Manly

    Yes but by being accepted into a school like Ruse means that you're obviously very academically talented and work hard... hence having a higher chance of getting a better ATAR.
  14. Verify

    datin scene at usyd

    er... you're not seriously considering what uni you wanna go to depending on the 'dating scene' right?
  15. Verify

    Harsh marking.

    It doesn't matter what marks you get, like already mentioned it's all about your ranks so don't worry too much about it. Because really if you got 16/20 and ranked first it's essentially the same as getting 20/20 and ranking first or even getting 5/20 and ranking first given you aren't tied with...
  16. Verify

    Is it possible to pick up a completely new subject for year 12?

    With the exception of some extension subjects, no you cannot.
  17. Verify

    do selective schools 'mark more harshly?'

    I think they do mark 'harsher' to an extent. At my school (selective) the average mark in all english modules including belonging have been at around 60%. That is to say, the average mark for Mod A was 8/15, Mod B was 8.4/15 and Mod C will most likely be very similar. This has been the track...
  18. Verify

    Whose ready for Trials?

    feeling ok. LOL JOKES KILL ME