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  1. soloooooo

    Australian Muslim man travels to Syria to carry out suicide bombing

    You have a typo there. I presume you meant muslims.
  2. soloooooo

    Only 17 when Schoolies is on...

  3. soloooooo

    Australian Muslim man travels to Syria to carry out suicide bombing

    Leave Judaism out of it, it shouldn't be associated with this filth.
  4. soloooooo

    Australian Muslim man travels to Syria to carry out suicide bombing

    Islam is a shit religion that must be abolished, which is what will occur in world war 3. It will be everyone against the muslims.
  5. soloooooo

    General Thoughts: Engineering Studies

    It sounds like a good exam. Engineering is about being are to think on your feet, not rote memorising previous exams questions answers and expecting them to occur again.
  6. soloooooo

    Federal Election

    He's getting something correct by doing that. I'm not a fan of the leadership team of Shorten, Plibersek, Wong and Conroy. Shorten and Conroy are absolute idiots.
  7. soloooooo

    This question is literally making me punch holes in walls, etc.

    Is the answer 16765 (ignoring the time cost of money and inflation)?
  8. soloooooo

    Federal Election

    I like how you redefined that definition.
  9. soloooooo

    Australian Conservative Values

    Sathius, you're an idiot. 6 months ago you were in favour of the carbon tax.
  10. soloooooo

    What have you eaten today?

  11. soloooooo

    Australian Muslim man travels to Syria to carry out suicide bombing

    Quite frankly I don't care what he or Jesus or anyone else done in the past. I am more concerned with modern day islam.
  12. soloooooo

    Australian Muslim man travels to Syria to carry out suicide bombing

    This. They're taught to be like that though so it's not entirely their fault. Of more concern though are the more radical imans and families teaching more extreme isam.