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  1. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Re: The Nonsense Thread +1
  2. Thief

    Random L&R Story thread

  3. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    ;_; i'm relying on the 90mins I have between my chemistry and modern exams to cram modern lol
  4. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    history elective was the best, I had such a good teacher :inlove:
  5. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Yes in Yr10 at my old school we had a 10wk history project - I did mine on the Medici family/renaissance purely because of my obsession for AC2 at the time lolol
  6. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Hopefully it is! Another favourite history topic of mine is the Renaissance, which you don't get to learn about in Modern/Ancient since its that period in between. Hopefully I get in though, not too sure if there's a max number of students or if you have to have a certain mark in history.. mine...
  7. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    So for the history extension major work/project/whatever thing, does the topic have to be related to ancient/modern history? Would it be possible to do it on like 14-15th centuries?
  8. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Yes I definitely want to! Because you get to do JFK as the topic (as well as that big project) and I love JFK ^_^
  9. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    got a modern exam tomorrow afternoon (after chem exam) and finishing up my essay now probs wont be able to memorise that well.. but will try.
  10. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    How much can a person write in like 40min?
  11. Thief

    Adding mass of solute?

    Yeah at my school we've always been taught to just have the mass of water, and not add the solute. Just ask your teacher.
  12. Thief

    Did you get into a selective school?

    I got notified by phone call last year lol.
  13. Thief

    ATAR estimate

    Well that was basically the point I was making, that percentages don't matter since it depends on how harshly the school marks it. It's just the ranks that do.
  14. Thief

    Is my subjects good for year 11 ?

    Yeah they're all good subjects. If you have a passion for english, then do 3U. I personally don't do it but yeah, it's not really a waste of your time. It would also give you the option to pick up 4U in yr12.
  15. Thief

    ATAR estimate

    They don't matter though. I mean.. getting 90% at James Ruse and 90% at a rank 500 school isn't necessarily the same (although it could be).
  16. Thief

    ATAR Estimate

    Nah, since your ranked first, it wont affect you at all.
  17. Thief

    Adding mass of solute?

  18. Thief

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    would anyone happen to have any info on the causes of the cuban revolution?