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  1. Amaranth_

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Scholarship was for Adv. Arts (honors) @ Usyd :p My body is ready.
  2. Amaranth_

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Will I be needing my running shoes? :p Couldn't avoid 3 hr breaks, but I did avoid single lectures/single tutes
  3. Amaranth_

    The word amaranth comes from the Greek word amaranton, meaning "unwilting" (from the verb...

    The word amaranth comes from the Greek word amaranton, meaning "unwilting" (from the verb marainesthai, meaning "wilt").[39] The word was applied to amaranth because it did not soon fade and so symbolized immortality. "Amarant" is a more correct, albeit archaic form, chiefly used in poetry. The...
  4. Amaranth_

    $15 Notes l HSC 97.25 ATAR l Economics, Business studies, CAFS + essay plans

    Some of the best notes out there are with this guy - highly recommended. I've seen his notes and they are sophisticated and in-depth with graphs, photos and summaries of all important dot points. Knows the content inside out :p and is a great guy and even better tutor :D
  5. Amaranth_

    EAS Letter

    Your school must have put one in for you then, especially if you go to a disadvantaged school.
  6. Amaranth_

    Appeal eas (not accepted??)

    If you've got sufficient evidence, such as medical reports and doctor certificate then definitely try to appeal it.
  7. Amaranth_

    School Dux Discussion

    DUX at my school was 99.85.
  8. Amaranth_

    Low atar - options? :(

    Have you considered EAS points? Also, I'm sure UWS offers extra bonus points for certain performance bands in your subjects. Have a look through this
  9. Amaranth_

    Share your 2013 HSC results here

    Gentlemen, it has been an honor.
  10. Amaranth_

    HSC Marks all nighter thread

    go to sleep mate
  11. Amaranth_

    HSC Marks all nighter thread

    The calm before the storm ... ... ... ...
  12. Amaranth_

    Hot Hatches for sub-30k

    Not a hatch. :p
  13. Amaranth_

    Question on Creative writing

    A lot of people do this and many of them tend to over do it. I recommend writing your creative piece first then once you've finished, read over it and see if it still needs it.
  14. Amaranth_

    Overusing the word 'belonging'?

    There are many ways to get around this, experiment with different phrasing and sentence structure. Doing this will not only ensure you don't overuse words, but also allow you to develop a deeper analysis within your text and increase sophistication.
  15. Amaranth_

    Hot Hatches for sub-30k

    Mazda SP25 hatch.
  16. Amaranth_

    Need Motivation

    Try experimenting with new methods. A timetable might help. Plan your day out prior, and make sure to have adequate throughout the day to study.
  17. Amaranth_

    What have you eaten today?

    2x Up and go Chicken soup A little rice Protein shake Kangaroo steak 500 ml high calcium milk
  18. Amaranth_

    Who's doing FRANKEN-RUNNER in 2014?

    Despite not having done Frankenstein, it is one of all-time favorite books. :p Good luck to all those doing it.
  19. Amaranth_

    Worried about first assessent task mark and tips to get back on track?

    It's still early in the year, and that's not as bad as you might think it is. You've still got plenty of time to catch up and maintain a good rank.