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  1. L

    Timetable printing fail

    Whenever I try to print the timetable Thursday and Friday are cut off, really annoying. What do?
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    Usyd opal card registration problem

    Hi, I'm also having the same problem. I re-enrolled and am pretty sure I consented to share my info with Transport NSW however when I try to apply for the opal card on their website it tells me my information is incorrect :( Was wondering if you were able to solve your problem?
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    LoL thread

    Got into Plat! Yaaaaaay :D Now how to get into Diamond ._.
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    Student OPAL cards

    So how does this work for USyd? I already completed enrolment and said I wanted to apply for concession this year, but theres no other info after that. I also tried applying for it on the Opal website but after I put in my SID my application gets rejected :( Because apparently I haven't allowed...
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    For how long is the USyd ID card a valid concession?

    Is it only valid for 1 year and you have to get a new one this year?
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    2014 Tax return overdue?

    I don't think I need to lodge a tax return. But I do need to submit a notice of non-lodgement, I think. Can I just print that form off and send it via mail?
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    2014 Tax return overdue?

    I got a letter in the mail the other day saying my 2014 tax return is overdue. The ONLY income I received last financial year was from this random job in a textbook shop where they asked me to get an ABN so that I was essentially my own business working for them (not sure if this complicates...
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    Morning vs Afternoon Timetable

    I work night shifts so it's like physically impossible for me to be awake before 10am. So all my classes will be in the afternoon (hopefully).
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    Testing locations for Silverwater RTA?

    Wow, thanks for your help guys
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    Testing locations for Silverwater RTA?

    I have my red P's test tomorrow at Silverwater and I was wondering if anyone knew the places they might bring me? I know Auburn is one place I could be going, but how about any other places?
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    Sydney University Students

    I don't really notice any difference between people who live in a college and people who don't
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    The McDonald's Thread

    No an oreo mcflurry with hot fudge topping is the best mmmmmm
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    The McDonald's Thread

    If you're new it's ok to make mistakes. On my first shift I gave a customer the wrong change twice
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    Legend of Korra Finale

    I can see where you're coming from with how you say the writer's didn't want Korra to end in a way too similar to ATLA. However, I still felt like the finale was lacking in 'epicness', perhaps a major character death would have made the finale more memorable I agree, totally could have seen...
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    Legend of Korra Finale

    Edit: Double post
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    Legend of Korra Finale

    I absolutely hated it. Not enough action, and I found it jarring how Kuvira was so easily convinced to stop her tyrannical rampage after she was willing to kill her fiance and the people that raised her without hesitation. I wanted her to suffer or break down like Azula and Ozai did. Also, not...