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  1. AppleTea

    Advice : How do you guys get energy after school to study?

    its k we can recycle the old, ill just touch it up ;) ...with my photoshop skill and bam we'll have new recruits coming in like jay and a male
  2. AppleTea

    Advice : How do you guys get energy after school to study?

    you would buy from a company that straight out lies to you? red bull has never given me wings, i had dreams and red bull just crushed and shit on them.
  3. AppleTea

    Roll Call: Class of 2016

    you focking wot m8, you're a wasteman ill end you with a bottle innit.
  4. AppleTea

    Roll Call: Class of 2016

    Nek minut a wild s̶i̶n̶o̶pedophile appears
  5. AppleTea

    Advice : How do you guys get energy after school to study?

    I think you got me mixed up with unbiased, he did the spit roast in the dark alley remember.
  6. AppleTea

    Binder or Book?

    mm can confirm I'll pm you a pic tomoz left it in my locker
  7. AppleTea

    Advice : How do you guys get energy after school to study?

    sooo we went from wanting ppl to not wanting ppl... oh how wll's nuds change things
  8. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    rip feel sorry for you... my assignment block is in week 8 :lol:
  9. AppleTea

    Advice : How do you guys get energy after school to study?

    [6/10/15 11:38:23 PM] miss420blzitFGT: I'm 5eva clean yay [6/10/15 11:39:04 PM] miss420blzitFGT: Nobody can guess I did it if you met me for the first time ._. soooo hardcore "weed isn't a drug it's a plant!" -sien 2k15
  10. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    ._. when is it due by? i've only just had my first day and we spent it getting results back
  11. AppleTea

    Roll Call: Class of 2016

    sure it is gweilo You can call him milfy, as he acquires all the milfs.
  12. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    This man is lying, you should all burn yourselves out in the start to get your energy to the lowest point so I can state rank
  13. AppleTea

    First Day of Year 12

    ugh but like it shows how I'm going and you never like to fail
  14. AppleTea

    First Day of Year 12

    whilst all you plebs had to go to school i got to chill behind a fan and wait till the weather drops back into the 20s :thrust: butt rip... no seriously my butt is going to rip from the fisting ill get by marks on wed
  15. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    fixed it for you :p
  16. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    hmmm at least I won't get creepy guys trying to get my nuds *cough* sino lolwut
  17. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    pshh I beat you in a debate first? must count that first right
  18. AppleTea

    Roll Call: Class of 2016

    hsc is here someone, anyone ples help... this is andy oct the 7th just checking in before school fists me tomoz
  19. AppleTea

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Grrr ima beat you
  20. AppleTea

    Drop Business, Eng Ext 1 or French??

    If you do drop biz WLL is going to end you...