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  1. H

    b6 cutoff?

    It was a pretty easy paper imo, maybe around 85ish? less if you used maths in focus :P
  2. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    LOL idk about doing well, I am capable of losing up to 100 marks because of careless mistakes :P how was it for you?
  3. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    Its much better haha thanks for asking :) Though writing today was pretty annoying... I really took my time though haha so not too bad
  4. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    I did 4u. Silly mreditor. jokes it was pretty good, I think my best exam so far :)
  5. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    You get y/(x+y) and x/(x+y) add them up and its (x+y)/(x+y) =1 That means that root a2/root a = root a1/ root a =1 Hence root a= root a1 + root a2
  6. H

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    It was do hard I'm only expecting around 96 raw... what wouldthat align to? Freaking 4u
  7. H

    What technique is this?

    affiliate!! afffinity! connections! belonging!
  8. H

    What technique is this?

    1) symbolism, hyperbole, metaphor.... or use all three :P "XXXX hyerbolically represents the YYYYY through the metaphor "QUOTE", which symbolically..." 2) accumulation, anaphora (not so much). Accumulation is the main one really
  9. H

    Misread hsc timetable=> missed out biology exam. What's gonna happen now???:((

    OP... why. Um, well I guess there's not much you can do. Everywhere, including the front of the timetable, there is a disclaimer saying that it is your responsibility to view the timetable carefully and failure to do so will result in a zero examination mark. You have two options: either fake...
  10. H

    BOSTES 4U conspiracy??

    Are you serious? It was such an easy question... I literally did the whole thing in like 2 minutes LOL
  11. H

    Hertz' experiment: AC or DC power source?

    lol nws I just double checked, the old and new versions say different things gg
  12. H

    Hertz' experiment: AC or DC power source?

    Idk guys Jacaranda says "high frequency AC supply"
  13. H

    "Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet"

    Imo do it in pencil first its much easier to 'adjust' it. then go over in pen
  14. H

    Mathematics (2U) raw mark

    Enigma I'm confused :( Aren't they all rational?
  15. H

    HPF’s English Advanced Musings

    Re: HPF’s English Advanced Stuff Haha thanks for your replies guys :) Yep mreditor I shall change the title later when I can think of a better one loool Um basically before you write fast, please take caution. Pretty sure you guys know my hand story, let me assure you its no fun :P As for...
  16. H

    HPF’s English Advanced Musings

    Hey guys, I’m HPF (because I know it must be very hard to read my username :P) and because I was taking some time off from study, I thought I’d use it to put up some things about English Advanced. First up, my credentials: Well I have none LOL. I just did the English HSC less than a week ago...
  17. H

    12 units - should I not study for my worst subject?

    Maybe don't give it as much consideration as you would other subjects, but still do try. You have nothing to lose (except maybe a little bit of time), but you will if say, you were asked to produce your HSC certificate for a scholarship or something (ALL your results will be on it, so imagine...
  18. H

    Hamlet Question

    because the question said "with detailed reference". Like sure you could reference to the extract without putting in techniques, but your argument would be worthless without evidence i.e. techniques
  19. H

    Hamlet Question

    hmm well you do have to answer 'all aspects of the question' per se, but I suppose it depends on the marker. If the marker thoroughly reads your essay (unlikely) and realises that you have not explicity referenced to the extract, then that will detract from your mark and the maximum you'll be...