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  1. Earl Luper

    best degrees for getting into investment banking???

    $250k/year is not very impressive given the 30 years experience and total hours worked over each of those years
  2. Earl Luper

    Who has atar expectations which they dont think are attainable?

    i want to get 65 but my parents are pressuring me into getting over 80!!! :(
  3. Earl Luper

    going down there...

    dats coz ur bf has a fat head
  4. Earl Luper


    this is not the misc so fuck off
  5. Earl Luper

    Perfect Hair

    what the fuck i dont remember posting this
  6. Earl Luper

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    :cry::( :cry::( :cry: When i stare in your eyes i see the image of god, well girl listen out for the phone call and pray for a flood. :(:( :cry:
  7. Earl Luper

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    :cry: I want eight hundred thousand on a game show but it's not enough to win her back. :(:( :cry:
  8. Earl Luper

    Took first ever scoop of JACK3D
  9. Earl Luper

    Took first ever scoop of JACK3D

    this won't last forever
  10. Earl Luper


    from the chronicles of eerl
  11. Earl Luper


    i usually turn them inside out so u can use them twice
  12. Earl Luper

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    one time i tried to be a bad boy i bought a leather jacket and a motocycle then i realised i was actually sinofile and killed myself
  13. Earl Luper

    Tans: Yes or no?

    tans are fantastic nothing beats a summer glow fake tan = so FUCKING hot
  14. Earl Luper

    Minecraft creations

    someone explain waht the fuck minecraft is
  15. Earl Luper

    Pets thread

    well i let him out of our caravan and he run away
  16. Earl Luper

    Pets thread

    i have a cat who i call david bowie
  17. Earl Luper

    now ur just

    have your friends collect your records and then change your numbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. Earl Luper

    now ur just

    you didnt have to cutttttttttttttt me off