Search results

  1. hazelpug

    How to answer to what extent english questions

    do you answer by saying " to a significant extent", "to a compelling extent" or are you not meant to say that at all? I'm so confused have been getting different responses from different people/teachers
  2. hazelpug

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    its raining pathetic fallacy bitchez
  3. hazelpug

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    the blue butterfly thingy wasnt there either
  4. hazelpug

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Wtf were the creative stimulus pictures, and the section 1 old with his shell collection
  5. hazelpug

    Unsw vs uts - construction management and property

    I'm planning to do the same course, so I researched this A LOT, in the employers eye's it doesn't matter, this course isn't like law where prestige matters. Everything comes down to your work experience. Apparently the UNSW facilities are better. But otherwise the courses are on par. The...
  6. hazelpug

    What are your UAC preferences?

    dat one traitor USYD course
  7. hazelpug

    What are your UAC preferences?

    That's excactly what I'm doing, my lowest ATAR requirement is 65, just in case XD
  8. hazelpug

    What are your UAC preferences?

    So your not going to fill the rest of the slots up?
  9. hazelpug

    What are your UAC preferences?

    Post you first preference or all of them. What are your plans for future etc. Mine are: 1) Bachelor of Construction Management and Property - UNSW 2) Bachelor of Construction Project Management - UTS 3) Bachelor of City Planning (Honours) - full time at UNSW 4) Bachelor of Exercise...
  10. hazelpug

    I'm just stalking you :P

    I'm just stalking you :P
  11. hazelpug

    Applying for more than one scholarship/bonus point program?

    I'm applying for a course specific scholarship at UNSW but I also applied for SRS (school recommendation scheme). The SRS program doesn't include UNSW, so I'm applying for a UTS course through it. Now to my understanding you can only receive SRS if you put the course at the participating...
  12. hazelpug

    should i drop chemistry?

    Do whatever will maximise your marks/ hsc and honestly english extension 2, if you have an idea on what to want to do for your major work is a lot easier then chemistry.
  13. hazelpug

    Media and communications degree at UTS or University of Sydney??

    This is bos, all everyone does commerce/med/engineering haha, you best bet would be to post this question on Whirlpool or reddit, and it'll most likely be answered by really in depthly :)
  14. hazelpug

    B Construction Project Management in UNSW vs UTS

    UNSW offers Construction Management and Property which is a 3 year degree whilst UTS offers B of Construction Project Management which is 4 year degrees. For some reason the UTS degree has an ATAR requirement of 11 points more than UNSW, does that mean it's better? Which uni has the better Build...
  15. hazelpug

    Hi EarthSci34

    Hi EarthSci34
  16. hazelpug

    ATAR estimate please help

    After trial estimate: 0.95 ATAR Wooohoo!
  17. hazelpug


  18. hazelpug

    RUDEE will not trade/10

    RUDEE will not trade/10