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  1. Frostguard

    Beginning to hate History Extension :(

    I assume that because your teacher has been focusing on this one guy for a whole term so that you and your class will be able to use this a starter or way to understand Hist Ext, personally I’ve only done 2 issues so far (Should history be written by normal people or academics? and should...
  2. Frostguard

    History Extension question and topic selection

    Yeah that’s basically what I mean, find a historian and in this case a type of medical historian or someone like that who wrote about the Black Death and how limited the medicine was in treating the patients. You can make your project more historiographical by showing context, History is simply...
  3. Frostguard

    History Extension question and topic selection

    Ok, that sounds a lot easier to formulate now, how about: 'To what extent has the Black Death influenced the modernisation of medicine/medical developments in technology and treatment?' It may sound very history-like but as long as you make historiography the basis of your project and not...
  4. Frostguard

    History Extension question and topic selection

    ok so a historiography question about the plague... something to do with changing interpretations maybe? how about a question about on the effects? there's a proposal in the history extension resources section on the black death, you could use it help you i guess (don't cheat though lol) I'm...
  5. Frostguard


    I assume outline the events leading to the Armistice would mean just the events and what caused the signing of the Armistice, not so much the actual signing and procedures of the Armistice, doubt they would ask us a question like that, doesn't showcase our understanding of the events that lead...
  6. Frostguard

    What should I do?

    This is probably a dumb question but I received my novel (Great Gatsby) to read over the holidays in preparation for my Module A - Intertextual Perspectives but I realised that I don’t know anything about this module lol Ideally I’d like to read the novel and write notes according to the...
  7. Frostguard

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    as in 36 double sided pages or 74 single pages?? idk kendall that seems really long im only on like 34 single pages or 17 double pages, but im sure will get up tp 40 once i finish off dot point 3 (turning point of WW1) but yeah you might need to shorten them D: unless you've finished the whole...
  8. Frostguard

    Is 14 units too much? 0-0

    14 units is a lot for the HSC, I guess since you need a maximum of 12 units for the Preliminary course, it's not recommended but as long as you fulfil the requirements and don't burn out by the Prelim course, you should be right. However for the HSC course, 14 units is extremely stressful and...
  9. Frostguard

    Hella confused about History Extension

    Don’t worry I’m lost in this subject too (even though I topped the class of 22 in a practice exam lol I’m such a snake) I think it’s okay that we’re a bit confused about the direction of this subject, it’s not something you can rote- learn or memorise, per se, no one comes into this subject...
  10. Frostguard

    History Extension question and topic selection

    Hey Tilly! Don’t worry I’m stressed, I haven’t even finished researching and I’ve only written an incomplete introduction LOL, it’s ok to feel stressed but we still have, what, 9 months left??? That’s tons of time to get it done and dusted!!! :spin: As for your second question, you need to...
  11. Frostguard

    Books or binders?

    I don't mean to be rude or anything but shouldn't you be using books just because you have bad handwriting? My teachers are constantly telling us to handwrite our writing tasks because everybody's handwriting is terrible and they don't want to deduct marks simply because they cannot read the...
  12. Frostguard

    AOS in 2019

    You guys no longer do Discovery or anything of that sort anymore, it's something about Craft of Writing (I'm not really sure to be honest ) but just know that discovery, belonging, journeys, change and other AOS's are no longer assessed I'm sure the NESA/BOS syllabi will show you
  13. Frostguard

    When do you have to have uni course applications submitted by?

    maybe by end of term 2??? my grade hasn't been informed by any of this stuff yet but maybe the first few weeks of Term 1 is when they'll start us off with our course applications ooh so exciting :eek:
  14. Frostguard

    Hext topic ideas

    Within this 6 week break I want to at least finish my research so I can bludge the next 3 terms to write my essay, but realistically I've only finished half my introduction, I haven't included the historians I'm going to use in my project, it's ok if you haven't started LMAO a lot of people...
  15. Frostguard

    A question about my topic

    Sorry if my reply seems outdated but I don't think it should interfere with your Modern HSC topic, it's okay if it 'touches' or 'mentions' another topic that's in the HSC syllabus, but with a subject like Hist Ext, you should be right in doing so. You posted like 3 weeks ago so I think you've...
  16. Frostguard

    Preparing for Year 11 + 12

    Hey feed!!! joined in Year 7 woahhhhhhhhhh i dont remember what i was doing in yr 7 other than be unnecessarily stressing imao Ok so basically your subjects are very much content-based, that is essay writing type styled with lots of memorisation and rote learning (except 3U maths because it's...
  17. Frostguard

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Week 1 overrrr What did I accomplish???? Nothing What about you guys???
  18. Frostguard

    Is 99.15 considered a good ATAR?

    No sorry I think mystery marks are good ATARs
  19. Frostguard

    How bad have I screwed up my ATAR?

    Cronus buddy, you most certainly have NOT screwed up your ATAR!!! 95 is easily achievable since you average 80% and above across your subjects (except eng adv that subjects hard lol) Your school rank isn't bad either, you're still top 200 out of what 600 schools? Ensure that you perform better...
  20. Frostguard

    Hext topic ideas

    Dang your topic sounds really interesting!!! Apart from your idea of forgery being a form of history I guess you could talk about -other historians who have performed the same thing OR find out other forms that can be controversially classified as real histories such as art, films, other forms...