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  1. J

    Cramming success stories?

    I'm just curious but how does one cram maths? I feel like it's impossible to cram since you need to be practicing daily to know everything by trials?
  2. J

    Year 11 and 12 Study Tips

    idk if my comment made sense or not but it's just that some teachers want you to pay attention in class and do what they say as opposed to doing your own thing. I mean say for e.g. you did english in maths class, how would your maths teacher react? Have a look at sample past essay questions. Of...
  3. J

    Can i get an 80?

    tbh most of your HSC mark imo would be dependant on the HSC external as opposed to the internal ranks Assuming everyone in your cohort gets together and works hard at beasting the external exam (as well as doing past papers regularly and getting help/learning from mistakes) and you do really...
  4. J

    Cramming success stories?
  5. J

    Year 11 and 12 Study Tips

    I think one crucial technique to studying 5 subjects in 2 weeks is to basically time yourself. One of the methods I found out was to (in particular if you don't go to maths tutoring) get ahead of your peers in maths by at least a term where in the school holidays you are doing basic-medium level...
  6. J

    English tutors for year 10!!!

    Not in bankstown but hope this helps
  7. J

    Tonight should i cram an all nighter for trials?

    No one would recommend you do an allnighter however if you do then get ready to have a heavy dose of caffeine and berroca
  8. J

    Year 11 and 12 Study Tips

    Sorry my bad I mean I'm sure OP can do past HSC questions (Since some of the stuff in the old syllabus like Le chatelier's principle, equilibrium, magnetic fields, etc are still in the new syllabus) but only for the relevant sections For prelims there are past prelim papers on THSC
  9. J

    Year 11 and 12 Study Tips

    I think the best way to memorise all the content for phys and chem (before the exam comes) is to apply your stuff regularly which can be done through making notes every week (or day) and going through past trial/HSC papers and doing those questions on a daily (or weekly) basis (also advantageous...
  10. J

    Getting kicked out/EXPELLED for POOR PERFORMANCE in my trials... NEED OPINIONS.

    I didn't bother to fully read what you posted but I reckon that it would be ridiculous for your school to "expel" you at this stage, especially when you're only a 2 months away from the HSC
  11. J

    Year 11 and 12 Study Tips

    All in here mate :)
  12. J


    I would also like to add but trials are the most stressful exam a year 12 would do because 1) It is usually "crammed" (especially if your school does it at the end of term 2) 2) It is usually more difficult than the HSC 3) It has the highest internal weighting (usually) so you're on the...
  13. J

    Improving Advanced English Type in "control F" and then "english" Also
  14. J

    Is physics really that hard? + Study techniques

    I think that's a misconception There's no point practising when you don't learn from your mistakes imo
  15. J

    Mid ocean ridges

    If you don't know what a 'mid ocean ridge is' then I'd suggest you google it and/or look at a textbook before asking here (unless the book/google doesn't make sense to you)
  16. J

    repeating 2U maths

    Not mine but found it to be useful :)
  17. J

    Selective school entrance exams

    Have you read this :)
  18. J

    repeating 2U maths

    I would as it is highly beneficial at university Do you need study tips for maths so then you can beast both 2U and 3U? (not trying to come off as egotistic)
  19. J

    Eng. Advanced

    Have you read this? :)