Search results

  1. Einsteinium_101

    How was the first day of year 11?

    today was the second day. much better than the first. my english teacher is very... passionate if you like with her saying over and over again "IM GONNA MAKE YOU SWEAT BLOOD THIS YEAR!"
  2. Einsteinium_101

    no probs :)

    no probs :)
  3. Einsteinium_101

    Regretting or Hating any subjects?

    i like all my subjects so far :)
  4. Einsteinium_101

    Good A4 excercise book

    Use the Marbig brand ones. Pretty good
  5. Einsteinium_101

    nope, do you?

    nope, do you?
  6. Einsteinium_101

    im pretty good, how are you?

    im pretty good, how are you?
  7. Einsteinium_101

    hey, thanks for the add! :)

    hey, thanks for the add! :)
  8. Einsteinium_101

    ATAR aims

    heck, i want the free damn lunch!!
  9. Einsteinium_101

    ATAR aims

    above 90 will make me happy. 95+ will make me ecstatic
  10. Einsteinium_101

    Hey New Yr 11's!!!

    yup. i mainly hated it cos of the teachers...
  11. Einsteinium_101

    How often do you work out?

    i exercise about 4-5 times a week usually cycling or mountain biking :)
  12. Einsteinium_101

    Your Study Area

    I have mine in my room. It's a corner desk. I have spent alot of time at that desk. That sums it up.
  13. Einsteinium_101

    Most WANTED and Most HATED subject!

    Anticipating: All of the Science and Math Subjects I chose. GET ME OUT OF HERE!!: English.
  14. Einsteinium_101

    Hey New Yr 11's!!!

  15. Einsteinium_101

    How will you organize your stuff?

    meh, dont follow the crowd. Just find what works for you.
  16. Einsteinium_101

    sorry bout that. I just felt like adding you cos you seem like a cool person.

    sorry bout that. I just felt like adding you cos you seem like a cool person.
  17. Einsteinium_101


  18. Einsteinium_101

    yay, someone else doing the same subjects as me :) i was wondering what the workload is like for...

    yay, someone else doing the same subjects as me :) i was wondering what the workload is like for yr 11 and whether you enjoyed it. Thanks :)
  19. Einsteinium_101

    How will you organize your stuff?

    its official. I will be using document wallets- one for each subject, 120 pg exercise books- one for each and a study book for each subject. :) Ooh and a Lever arch file to store all the stuff i will collect through the terms.