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  1. Direwolf

    Learning 'NEW' words can be fun :)

    I have come to hate that word and any word that relates to English Extension
  2. Direwolf

    Senior Science or Physics?

    I was just wondering for next year whether I would be better off doing Senior Science than physics because I'm going well in Chemistry atm (Rank 8/110 for top 30 school) but I seem to struggle in Physics more - it just doesn't come as easy as Chemistry does. Im planning on keeping 12 units for...
  3. Direwolf

    Chemistry Dot Point Help!!

    Oh wow.. Disregard everything then Bah too tired to concentrate
  4. Direwolf

    Chemistry Dot Point Help!!

    There is :) It's in you "World Communicates" Mediafire Set Oh crap thats Physics :\
  5. Direwolf

    Chemistry Dot Point Help!! There are Preliminary Notes by Andrew Harvey here.. Just realised you posted that thread..Awkward. Well there are still Andrew Harvey Prelim Notes in your Chemistry Compilation.
  6. Direwolf

    "Student challenges ruling on her HSC"

    I've got the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome and it's not the greatest thing to deal with. The pain is easily put up with but the hand and finger twitches are frustrating. Don't how she would be able to do surgery with it but unless she got it treated or was able to control the shaking. That...
  7. Direwolf

    Physics Olympiad?

    Physics Olympiad starts at our school next week. What is it and is it worth doing it? The teacher doing it is the best science teacher at our school and I ended up with a crap teacher for Physics. How much extra work is it and will it help me for HSC?
  8. Direwolf

    OMG just wasted my WHOLE holidays

    That's what I tell myself every night.
  9. Direwolf

    ATAR Question?

    My Yr 11 cohort is about 200
  10. Direwolf

    ATAR Question?

    If my school is ranked around mid 30's, what kind of ranks would I want to be around If I was looking at wanting to get a high enough ATAR to do medicine? Thanks in Advance :)
  11. Direwolf

    I'm soo soo Bored!

    You can do my Ancient Assignment if you want to?
  12. Direwolf

    Relying on sources

    Spark Notes did all my essays for me from years 7 to 10 :D
  13. Direwolf

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    Favourite book would be The Catcher in the Rye. Least favourite would have to be the disc-world book I was forced to read. Horrible Horrible book.
  14. Direwolf

    How do you rate your school?

    Your grade could not be nearly as bad as some of the people there are in ours.
  15. Direwolf

    How do you rate your school?

    Rank: 30-40 (Is that good?) Teachers: A lot of them are at least twenty years past retirement, and those that have retired keep turning up again and the majority of the young teachers can't teach (Hate my physics teacher). But some of them are good I guess, probably better than some schools...
  16. Direwolf

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    English Extension is Death. Best subject would be chemistry hands down.