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  1. B

    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    Re: Why you guys hate asians so much?? A SIBT course costs around 16-20 grands/year. MQ is 21-22k or something like that (they reserve the right to rise tuition fees annually lol)...
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    Is that really boring ??

    Stay on campus costs u heaps? Why don't just rent a room off-campus m8? It may be boring, may be not. But we (overseas ones) all have our own aims to be here, as long as they can be achieved Oz will be ok for us. We 're not here just for fun (or to get fun) U can get to the city in 30 or 40...
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    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    So I assume that ur HSC (2012) means u're about to graduate from MQ in this year? Or u're going 2 Oz to study High school?
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    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    If u don't treat urself with enough respect (including ur ethnicity, culture...) who can? Find it a bit hard to (try to) be like an Oz is ok. One cannot (and should not) just forget all about his his hometown. But to "get along well" I think it's not a problem at all, as long as...
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    Results Prediction Thread

    As usual, a thread about this is opened to discuss what u expect for ur final exams. I first: ACCG200: High Cr/D BUSL250: High Cr/D ACCG250: High Pass/Cr ECON240: All my hopes are just a Pass. U guys'?
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    ACCG350~financial statement analysis

    It may owe to the fact that he's a Macquarie alumni lol :cool:. He's a Dr like Frederick Wong and both are hopeless. Mr Wong also doesn't know how to teach properly (he may be very good at academics though).
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    Questions regarding ACCG200+250 final exams

    I think both were quite decent and I think I will have a high Cr or a D for ACCG200. Hope I will have more than a Pass at ACCG250. Maybe a Cr.
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    About assg251

    Both ACCG250 and 251's final exam were quite decent. Hope I will get more than a Pass.
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    Questions regarding ACCG200+250 final exams

    And could I ask 1 more question? How much the theory part would constitute? 10-15% is it not? And the MCQs would harder or easier than the long ones? Would they be similar to the sample ones on the Blackboard?
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    Questions regarding ACCG200+250 final exams

    Oh how lucky I am. My LIC is Bill (Blair) and he's great. In the final lecture he almost told us some parts that would be in the final exam.
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    Questions regarding ACCG200+250 final exams

    Were the step-down method and CVP in the final, m8? I feel the step-down part a bit challenging to remember.
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    BUSL250 Final Exam - Turnitin

    We have it on the Blackboard. It's all over now anyway. Hope I will get a D for the final assignment :D.
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    Questions regarding ACCG200+250 final exams

    Exams are coming and I have some questions regarding the ACCG200 and 250 final exams. _ In ACCG200, which parts would constitute most marks? Would they be Job costing ( the T-account one, the LIC said it will be 14 marks and the average was only 3.4???). Anything else? And theory questions...
  14. B

    Macquarie Law any good?

    I have studied one unit, BUSL250. It's only a Business law one, may not be quite similar to subjects one studies in the Law School. But overall I feel it's a bit (I'm an easy-going guy lol) disorganized and 1 of the 2 lecturers of the subject did not know basic skills to teach. Just repeat her...
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    Why don't we have stuvac period

    We decidedly have. From the 13th week 2 18/11 (and many subjects won't have exams until 20th) is a week, is it not? All Unis in Sydney have 13 week to study in 1 semester I assume? Start early, finish first. What the hell 's ur idea about this?
  16. B

    Is it rude for a tutor to call a student gullible and eccentric?

    Not 4 all subjects m8. To fully understand/assess anything one said, we must regard the context.
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    Macquarie drops in world rankings....again!

    Anything to regard with a merely commercial ranking as the THES :music:? And MQ is more and more likely to be a degree-factory, IMAO.
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    about accg200 week 10 report

    Just forget it and chill out. U will be given all the calculations, data...What u have to do is to prepare the question 2) of the Tutorial work in class. 25 minutes to fulfill the task. I just sat and did nothing. I'm sure I cannot get >1 for a report like that. Just get 9/10 for ur tutorial...
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    Macquarie drops in world rankings....again!

    I'd prefer not to mention it but be logical a bit m8 and u will easily figure out the reason. If u, a domestic student who can borrow the tuition fee and do not have to pay (3-4% per annum) until ur earnings reach 60000 (42000 taxable means u must earn at least 60-70000), still unhappy, how can...
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    Macquarie drops in world rankings....again!

    So u 're satisfied and ur outcomes are great? Is that right? Coz in the Good Universities Guide (ranking again), the 2 curricula are the lowest 4 MQ. 1 or 2 star I suppose.