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  1. Sp3ctre

    English Paper 1 - Thoughts

    I know I was being sarcastic haha, just trying to mock the English rubric
  2. Sp3ctre

    English Paper 1 - Thoughts

    Actually it was about need, curiosity and wonder ^.^ not like they're the exact same thing or anything
  3. Sp3ctre

    English plagarism?

    Even with the most obviously plagiarised essays it's still going to be unlikely to be caught, how do you know exactly what the marker is going to remember more distinctly? I don't think we can elaborate any further than that.
  4. Sp3ctre

    Multiple Choice Help 2009 HSC

    You can use both. Since its asking for greatest concentration of electrons, you need to point your thumb in the opposite direction from conventional current if you're using RHPR.
  5. Sp3ctre

    Has everyone finished memorising yet?

    Got everything memorised except Mod C, will probably get to that tomorrow
  6. Sp3ctre

    Casual or School Uniform to HSC exam

    My school doesn't have any uniform #feelsgood
  7. Sp3ctre

    Is it possible to do the prelim and HSC course in 3 terms.

    I think it is possible, you just need to be covering a lot more content everyday and going quite ahead of the normal course. But most of the course it just rote learning so if you do manage to cover it all in 3 terms, the extra term will be quite useful for revising earlier topics.
  8. Sp3ctre

    what should i drop - biology or geography or religion

    But his question was which scales the lowest xD Not too sure about the scaling of SOR or geo but yeah bio scales the best out of the 3.
  9. Sp3ctre

    Thesis Statements?

    Tbh I wouldn't include any quotes in the conclusion, I don't find it necessary to do so and I remember handing in a draft with a quote in my conclusion - my teacher advised against it. Apparently some teachers are fussed about the idea that whenever you introduce a quote, you NEED to analyse it...
  10. Sp3ctre


    I think what the answers meant is a buffer can either be a weak acid and it's conjugate base OR a weak base and its conjugate acid.
  11. Sp3ctre

    Projectile motion question

    Some prep work I did before answering the questions: Uy = 0 Vy = 67.9 cos 30 = 58.80... m/s Vx = 67.9 sin 30 = 33.95 m/s a) Uy = 0 (launched horizontally) Ux = Vx = 33.95 m/s Therefore initial velocity = 33.95 m/s horizontally (at 0 degrees to the horizontal) b) Initial horizontal velocity...
  12. Sp3ctre

    help me answer this physics question

    No, you can't treat Vx or Vy as 0, final velocity refers to its velocity before hitting the ground, which will probably never be 0 unless the projectile is falling vertically downwards, in which case Vx would be 0.
  13. Sp3ctre

    How do you do this inverse trig question?

    When x = 1/2 I get y = 2/sqrt(3)? (Just saw Drongoski's question so I tried doing it myself)
  14. Sp3ctre

    Creative Writing Narration and Dialogue Balance?

    Does anyone have a rough idea of how much narration and dialogue we should have? I included about 60/40 narration/dialogue for my school trials and I'll be honest, I thought it was too much dialogue and my teacher said so too, but it was all quite useful in setting the scene and building up...
  15. Sp3ctre

    Using pencils for diagrams???

    I think if you're using pencil it has to be 2B
  16. Sp3ctre

    Standard English

    It is true. Standard is an ATAR killer, tbh I haven't seen anyone who got over a 97+ ATAR who did standard. If you're already sitting standard for the HSC it's not a big deal, but you certainly need to work very hard to nail standard.
  17. Sp3ctre

    Should I memorise my essays?

    Do what you did for your school assessments and trials, trying out a new method for HSC probably isn't the best idea especially if you're already comfortable with how you tackled your school's questions. Personally, I'm memorising ~15 quotes for each essay, then depending on the questions given...
  18. Sp3ctre

    Polyatomic Ions

    The main ones I can think of right now that you need to know are hydroxide, nitrate, carbonate, sulfate, phosphate and ammonium. Someone might need to add to this list if I’ve missed something
  19. Sp3ctre

    Metropolis help

    It's not so much what the son's club represents itself that's important, but the contrast between the son's club and the underground city. You could talk about the son's club featuring fit, healthy, young enthusiastic people with positive facial expressions and their light costumes. Then on the...
  20. Sp3ctre

    Motors and Generators Question

    Oh yeah that clears it up, I was getting confused with force and torque, thanks!