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    School Certificate Electives ROLL CALL CLASS

    I do commerce and IST I hate IST
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    Anything that you would like?

    there are too many though why cant there be one proper thread instead of each person making their own thread, its getting annoying and confusing.
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    mathemagic computer tutor LOL

    so true... In short, mathemagic is the crappiest tutoring program
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    Most Valued Subject?

    maths above all
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    Anyone doing the TVET Courses at Tafe?

    well i might be doing Information Technology (VET) to complete my units
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    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    when you are gonna choose your subjects, you have to think of your UAI anyway
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    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    I just wanna say aiming for a higher UAI than someone else doesn't make you any smarter than them :D
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    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    I'm aiming for 100 (unrealistic) but if i am truthfully aiming for 100 i will hopefully get somewhere in the 90s
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    year 11 subject selection

    i didnt know about that though i didnt find it on the subject lists
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    selective test from ACER for 2009 year 11

    ive done them as my yearly exams i got 80% for vocabulary
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    year 11 subject selection

    I dont think catholic studies is a board developed course nor would it count towards your UAI
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    Year 10 Formal

    haha thats funny but sad on such a memorable occasion
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    Year 10 Formal

    heard of anyone getting bashed at their formal??
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    how many hrs have u studied

    true... I mean is it really worth it in the long run???
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    = =ll

    I can really understand how you feel your not alone... but i dont wanna commit suicide either after all you are doing all this for your future
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    what subject do i need 2 choose?

    Yeah dental does but there probably is a shortage of dentists too
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    what subject do i need 2 choose?

    first of all it is less likely to get that UAI and then you even hav sit UMAT and then an interview then we hav a shortage of doctors thats freakin bullshit I used to wanna be a doctor, but not anymore coz of the excessively high UAI required and UMAT test, which is supposedly hard too
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    how many hrs have u studied

    I would fit the reading part under english revision my teacher makes us read a lot for english thats why I hate it, but i would never like it till i tell myself I do so from now on, I absolutely love english
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    Year 10 Formal

    our formal is free coz we've done a lot of fundrasiing throughout the year :lol: only guests/ visitors have to pay
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    how many hrs have u studied

    thats srsly amazing... coz thats far more than enough at the moment lol but keep it up im sure you'd do well...