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  1. CloudDeter

    Thoughts: CSSA English Paper 1

    Yep. I'm pretty sure they are using them for a few other subjects too.
  2. CloudDeter

    how late is too late???

    Well HSC accounts for 50% of your final mark, and your school work (assessments, major works, etc) is 50%. So if you have any left over assignments try hard in those and take some time to study over the next 2 months for the HSC exams. If you do really well in the HSC it's possible you could get...
  3. CloudDeter

    Exam timetables?

    English, English, then Visual Arts in a row. Software Design on Friday. General Mathematics on Monday week. Then finally I.P.T. on Monday Week 5 (Week 3 of our trials).
  4. CloudDeter

    Thoughts: CSSA English Paper 1

    I screwed this exam really badly. Comprehension was alright, except not enough time to do the last question. Question (c) was a little hard to understand. FOr creative writing I used the picture of the family on their mobile phones. I think the quality of my story was terrible. My essay...well I...
  5. CloudDeter

    Excel Text for Software Design and Development any Good?

    Try looking at your local library. I know mine has the Excel book for S.D.D., it's based on the older syllabus but most content is relevant.
  6. CloudDeter

    Project due Tuesday!! Really easy/quick question

    I was a bit late, but was gonna say just anything that records the scores and lists them, like a scoreboard. But I guess that's the same as what you're talking about haha.
  7. CloudDeter

    Can my brother's teacher force my brother to do Standard Eng?-- help!!!

    Our school had something similar. I know our year 10s have been interviewed and one of my friends from that year said the teachers said he can't (from what I can remember) do Advanced English. However I know that for our year, if you do exceptionally well in the first terms of Standard English...
  8. CloudDeter

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Then wouldn't that be like the final HSC exams?
  9. CloudDeter

    Newbie in IPT

    The above post pretty much sums it up for I.P.T. It's a pretty easy subject if you like it. I'd recommend it if you are into technology and computers.
  10. CloudDeter

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Cause some schools are having trials earlier than others. Depending on the school they will purchase papers from a certain organisation. So if anyone decides to post their questions they got earlier here, they'd be disadvantaging themselves (if students see the question and study for it before...
  11. CloudDeter

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Yeah kinda just started studying for my subjects this weekend. Didn't really get much done cause I'm a daydreamer.
  12. CloudDeter

    Question about forum subscriptions

    I'm just wondering. When I subscribe to a thread, it redirects me back to the home page of the forum after. Is there any way where I can set it to redirect back to the thread I subscribed to, because this is the default for all other vBulletin forums I'm a part of.
  13. CloudDeter

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Well I have to say it won't be very long until the last exams.
  14. CloudDeter

    Stress and Trials

    Well I'm pretty much on the same boat as some of you. I had TWO assessment tasks due last week (for I.P.T. and S.D.D.). And I really didn't do much study in the holidays except for a couple of hours for maths. Absolutely mentally freaking out. I just hope I can stick to the timetable I set into...
  15. CloudDeter

    Anyone do martial arts?

    I've been doing karate since I was a kid up until now for about 9 years. I used to do it as a sport but now I do it cause I love it! :D Currently a probational black belt and hope to be a teacher one day.
  16. CloudDeter

    I need a hug

    Well I'm doing terrible in Visual Arts at the moment, coming second last in my class. So don't feel bad, you're not the only one who is behind. I'm sure well all catch up, just spend some time each day on your major project, set a schdule and you'll be fine. :) *hugs*
  17. CloudDeter

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    Tired. I might go to sleep now.
  18. CloudDeter

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    Well I actually have two assessments due in the first week unfortunately. Add the stress of the trials and I'm sh*tting myself internally.
  19. CloudDeter

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    Checking in here. Just about to have a shower then I'll be back to continue on my I.P.T.
  20. CloudDeter

    Plans after last hsc exam?

    Definitely relax. Might go out and celebrate with some friends. Watch a lot of anime. Play some games. Catch up with some people maybe. Ponder about my future.