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  1. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    Thanks, I'll be waiting (though I should be studying :bomb:) Goodluck with ext 1.
  2. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    when you have the time, could you have a read through mine, clifford? id really like your take on it.
  3. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    i think it's cause most people forget what postmodernism is about. so many people forget that its supposed to be hilarious, its supposed to be chaotic, and its supposed to be FUN. then again: im of the personal view that all works of fiction written by present-day writers is postmodern in some...
  4. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    Clifford: I think the postmodern aspect of things was captured better than I've seen in most Major Works - it really reflected the playfulness, satire and fun that postmodernism is about. The concept was intriguing and the execution fantastic. Congrats. ha, I feel worse and worse about my work...
  5. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    accio! you should put it back up for everyone to see. it was one of my favourites.
  6. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    As long as the CR is an EXTENSION of your knowledge, skills or understanding from Extension 1 and not a replication.. I think I'll take a look too. Romanticism elective here as well.
  7. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    *Ginsberg he's awesome. I used Howl as a related text for Powerplay in the HSC last yr.
  8. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    I'm out of the feedback game for now. I've trials coming up this wednesday. Yes. Two sets of trials. The wonders of my school. I'd still really appreciate anyone's feedback on my work, it's on the first page. I'll get back to you eventually (ie, after trials). It's been one hectic ride. I...
  9. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    I'll get around to yours in the morning, mackiavell. My brain is numb right now.
  10. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    there has been a cr, one which i enjoyed! most of the CRs in the showcase i dont understand. it was about battlestar galactica and terminator: sarah connor chronicles, so I found that fun to read =]
  11. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    come on people. post your MWs. id like to see some different mediums. still no speeches, drama, performance poetry, films. i hope to see the day when someone makes a feature film for ext 2. its never been done before.
  12. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    yup. like. yknow. start the RS a week before its due =[
  13. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    Just read All That Glitters Gold =] At first, like Jess, I was a bit confused with the characters, and had to go back to keep track, BUT, I really liked it as it developed, and I was like, oh oh! as more of each character was revealed. I'm generally a fan of these jigsaw type stories, where you...
  14. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    thanks accio. did you read the RS as well, cause thats the one im worried about? most people's seem a helluva lot better. i started reading yours last night when i was already sleepy. ill finish it off tonight and get back to you.
  15. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    alex.leon: wowie. really good. like, reeally. i was impressed by your concentration on the one topic, never wavering from the one notion.. but I also found that a bit numbing, and wanted some variation as I got closer to the end. RS was tops, way, wayy better than mine. I think you'll do...
  16. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    Read yours Marcquelle - found imagining it all in my head made it quite a bit funnier. So, I'd expect the radio drama itself would bring that out even better. Though there were some spelling or punctuation mistakes in the script, I guess this isn't as important for an audio medium. Also, I think...
  17. diametric

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    Here goes nothing -- Be critical. I'm a bit bored tonight, so I'll get around to reading your guy's works as well. Sorry, forgot title and medium, ack: Title: Paradise Lost? Medium: Short Story
  18. diametric

    So it's 1am on the due date for Ext 2

    Ack, still journalling away I am. I shall finish that in 2 hours, and annotate my bibliography in another hour. weo weo weo.
  19. diametric

    Finished Major Work? Started Reflection Statement?

    I think so. Though, it'd only depress me further once people start reading.
  20. diametric

    Annotated Bibliography

    What? lol, no, marcquelle, that is DEFINITELY not the case. It (the Major Work Journal) MAY also include: • an annotated bibliography. when I called the BoS, I was told it was not a requirement, and it would not hurt to include with the reflection statement. It is only a requirement for the...