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  1. peikoff

    Liberal or Labor?

    And there is your fatal flaw, (if we neglect the previous sentence was just dribble) An axiom is not something to be chosen williy nilly, or something that is unique to each individual person, it is a statement that can not be supported with reference to previous knowledge and is self evident...
  2. peikoff

    Liberal or Labor?

    On a more friendly note, are you by any chance familiar with the works of Jesus Huerta de Soto? He wrote an absolutely phenomenal book called "Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles". Its a superb piece of economics, history and just about anything it covers, its the best exposition of the folly...
  3. peikoff

    Liberal or Labor?

    You dont have to value natural law per se but you must recognise the importance of metaphysics in the formulation of any ethical philosophy. For someone to construct a philosophical system with no regard for the nature of reality it is not only doomed to fail but it is not at all justifiable, by...
  4. peikoff

    Liberal or Labor?

    Thats a great answer professor walter block, I cant believe i thought someone might use their own words. 'boom did it one'...seriously? You provided no rational basis either metaphysical or (more importantly) epistemological, all you did was make an ethical statement which, if it was used to...
  5. peikoff

    Liberal or Labor?

    @ Scuba Steve and Rothbard Ive seen alot of your posts and can discern quite obviously your political inclinations. I'm just curious, how did you get into anarcho-capitalism? I personally find the philosophy abhorent but the purpose of this post is not to argue just to investigate. So, how did...
  6. peikoff

    Female Genital Mutilation: Allow it?

    Should never be allowed pure and simple. Cosmo Kramer hit the nail on the head, we should not be allowing the savages who whould perform such a repulsive ritual into our country, and sylvester is right that practitioners of such a practice should be shot. (although his attempt to reconcile his...
  7. peikoff

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    Cosmo Kramer you make some excellent points and your logic is irrefutable. I believe that scuba_steve 2118 is just having a knee jerk reaction to the idea that racial differences exist (one of them being intelligence), and it is clear he believes any difference between races is untolerable...