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  1. bubblesss

    Best 09 Diary / Planner

    use a diary, so u know when to do all ur hwk and stuff like tat.
  2. bubblesss

    First Day

    wtf man????? is ur english paper only 30 marks?????? we had 2 papers: paper 1- 45 marks paper 2- 40 marks ahhh ur so lucky!!!!!!!!
  3. bubblesss

    15% of Prelim maths counting for hsc o.O

    thank god. i freaked out after reading th above posts. now i feel much better!!!!!!:) :) :) :)
  4. bubblesss


    we got heaps of hw since the first day for maths, english and ancient history (can't drop till wk 3 damn!!!!!!!!) on top of this my maths tutoring hw.... arrrrgghhhhh. the pressure is on and my english teacher just bored us to death by giving us english/ HSC lectures......
  5. bubblesss

    Want to brainstorm the concept of belonging with me?

    haven't done this at school yet but beonging includes the two links of belonging and not belonging in a particular place at a particular time etc.....
  6. bubblesss

    Subject selection for Year 12

    i'd say work ur head off with physics. it's more related to ur other subjects which will be a benefit.:D
  7. bubblesss

    My school is doing something strange

    r u serious???? we have an assessment task like halfway through this term. but we ffinish only after 10 weeks. lucky u!!!!
  8. bubblesss

    Year 12 2009

    Re: School tomorow!!! 1 more year left. +1
  9. bubblesss

    Year 12 2009

    omgosh.... the 2009 HSC forum has already been opened!!!!!!!!!
  10. bubblesss

    Fitzpatrick math book made me very sad.

    not quite sure but i think it scales up.
  11. bubblesss

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI/course are you aiming for? hmmm now thats a problem isn't it.:)
  12. bubblesss

    Fitzpatrick math book made me very sad.

    shoom: if u think fitzpatrick is hard then what will you say about cambridge??????? i'd say if u want a good mark in maths start building up ur maths by working out the problems from fitzpatrick. if you ever have any questions you can always post them up in the maths forum.
  13. bubblesss

    Study Discussion

    yes me too. i'm trying to change that habit but just cant get rid of it. it's worse during exam times..... i'm a crammer and usually stay up nearly for the whole night and get noo sleep.....
  14. bubblesss

    Study Discussion

    i don't know if it's only me or are there are many people who think that study at late night works more efficient? i usually like to study between 9 pm - 2am..... but thats just me. i can't study befor 7pm watever i do.....
  15. bubblesss

    Have these current holidays been boring?

    thats an achievement. i passed my drivers knowledge test lol now just have to learn to drive......:p :p :p :p :p
  16. bubblesss

    4 unit maths or extension german?

    with all that studying he would have definitely got into his course if he did a few units less. but 99.15 is great as well. oh and what course did he want to get into? surely 99+ is good enough for most courses!!!!!!!
  17. bubblesss

    4 unit maths or extension german?

    thats freakin crazy!!! did he even sleep at night??? lol
  18. bubblesss

    Post your handwriting 09ers

    hmmm yes i've heard of that. they also say that the the way in which ur handwriting slopes determines something lol.