chem help!!!!!!1 please
calculate the mass of magnesium oxide formed when 10 gmsof magnesium burns in excess oxygen?
does the excess have an effect on the question?
thanks in advance:D
edit : sorry its magnesium oxide.
i'm the owl. always nocturnal. study after 9pm all the way till 3am. coz its the only time i don't have ny little sister to bug me!!!!!!!
:uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh:
'Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?' and I put x-rays. Did anyone else have the same q? If so, it was the independent exam most likely :)
oh gamma rays have shortest wavelength rite???????
omg my xm was freakin freakin freakin hard!!!!!!!!!!!!
our school had its own paper and we all found it hard.
considering all the past papers i did last night - :angry: didnt get a single question like those ones.
only the definitions were easy. the others were more usage of principles...