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  1. J

    Teacher's strike NSW 27/06/12

    I still have to go to school and do a maths test if the strike is on -.-
  2. J

    Questions about acceleration?

    Our school does maths accelerated starting from year 9 with top 60 of our year, and then in year 10 the top 24 of that go off to do the 3unit course. Also, at the end of year 9 top students are also offered to accelerate Business Studies, Chemistry and SDD. Not all schools do it tho. The...
  3. J

    Who accelerated subjects and when? Just curious !!

    At my school they started maths accelerated classes at the start of year 9 which went through the year 9 and 10 maths course in one year (which I was part of). I stayed in it and now I'm doing the yr11 ext 1 course this year (year 10 now), yr 12 ext 1 course next year and the ext2 course by...