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    read this :)

    Ye I thought so to! Good luck
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    A good solid IPT Summary?

    sammuel davis?
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    read this :) havent finshed reading although interesting atm! (btw im on my break)
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    HSC Advice Line?

    For standard English candates they are calling back between 2 and 6 :P just to let you know
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    HSC Advice Line?

    So the advice line isnt open on fridays :( that sucks and it also sucks IPT isnt on that list!! thats the one i'd call up the most for LOL
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    Feliks Skryznecki

    our teacher said to refer to him as peters father, or the father etc something like that
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    Are you ready?

    Ummm... ever as i will ever be? english: just going over n over my quotes etc so im pretty much said. maths: dont get me started hahaha IPT: quitely confident but always more revison! ancient: need to learn more sources, not ready for geo: i have two weeks to learn after maths so lol i should...
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    slightly strange question

    I highly doubt it...
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    Thanks, i never knew that... im guessing it was for only the 8 mark question and everything above 8 you should use full sentances?
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    IPT Study Thread

    1) When entering postcodes there should be four squares, one for each number ensuring that 5 numbers CAN NOT be entered. 2) list boxs for states 3) When one answer needs to be selected use radio buttons 4) use a seperate field for house number and unit number? 5) no idea that was a list but u...
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    The below quote appeared in a marking critea document for ancient history "Students need to be aware that Question 3 does not require a response in formal essay structure. What is needed is a relevant and concise response to the question, written within the space provided" does this...
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    Going overseas During HSC Year

    Yes, You can still sit the HSC and get a ATAR. Other posts are right, speak to your year co-ordinator and ask your teachers for work etc. Try to work as much of the time your over there as it will be hard (not imposible) to do so when you come back. In these holidays try to look at simple...
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    English hsc area of study

    Did it work for you?
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    English hsc area of study

    Well to be honest with you, Journey isnt that much different. It still requires you to belong or not belong so i think the questions will be at the same level just using the word "belonging"
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    So is anybody planning to not study on the dya of their exams or the day before?

    same! and im always slow at getting my pens and stuff out so that i can read more LOL
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    How many pens do you take into the exam?

    I will most likely take 2 black, 2 blue LOL and one red
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    HSC writing booklets

    Haha! lol thats awsome! and it actually worked!
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    13 years of our lives leading up to this moment..

    Like alot of people, i too have been lacking motivation and even though i have my goals and ATAR aim i just cant seem to study full on!!! After reading this motivating post, I do not believe i will be on the computer half as much, pitty i didnt read it sooner THANK YOU!!!
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    HSC results setup!

    Oh cool! so the details havent been realsed for this year... i thought i missed something. Thanks