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    Economics- HSC Essay predictions 2015

    I mean knowing EVERYTHING in detail is pretty hard lol, I'm mainly preparing for the predicted topics as most likely at least two will pop up in different sections, but i'm trying not to fully rely on this by attempting to know everything in detail lol.
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    Economics- HSC Essay predictions 2015

    Yep no worries, Short answers: Globalisation, Microeconomic reform, inflation, monetary policy, exchange rates (possibly) Essay: - Fiscal policy on eco growth and unemployment - Exchange rate, impact of a sustained depreciation - CAD/BOP/Ext Stability, cause and effects - Globalisation/Free...
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    Economics- HSC Essay predictions 2015

    Have you guys seen this? What do you think?
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    How many pages should the essays be?

    wow that seems like a lot, you reckon 1000 is a solid amount for 18+? (i know it depends on quality)
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    How to approach extended responses?

    Also, since exchange rate volatility and foreign liabilities directly link to the CAD, are you supposed to be making links to how it affects the CAD and thereby external stability in your exchange rate and foreign liability paragraphs?
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    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    this is going to give me nightmares ...
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon 2015-16 budgeted for a projected deficit of $35.1bn which s 2.1% of GDP compared to 2014’s budget deficit of $41.4bn, which was 2.5%. Deficit is projected to become smaller so it's contractionary
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Not 100% with this, but i'm leaning towards no since environmental policies don't directly affect the cost and availability of 'land'. Targets and regulations and even market policies wouldn't affect land. However it still might be a factor market reform, one...
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    M/C Qn

    This is what I initially thought as well, all 3 answers make sense lol. Maybe because it's asking for 'most likely', the answer would refer to the most immediate impact/effect?
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    How many pages should the essays be?

    Depends how big you write, don't think pages is a good indication. I write about 4 with about 10-16 words per line
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    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yeah, essays are the main worry lol. I'm most comfortable with CAD, BOP, Ext Stability, Exchange Rates, Fiscal policy, monetary policy in that order, I hope it's just two of those haha
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    How to approach extended responses?

    Why would it be a page long? Definition of external stability and a brief overview/definition of CAD, Foreign liabilities/debt, exchange rate.
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    Help- miscellaneous questions on eco

    Actually, my bad lower AD does lead to lower prices, lower AD --> less consumption --> lower prices. The answer is still B though because it lends itself to demand-pull inflation :)
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    Economics- HSC Essay predictions 2015

    Since exchange rates and CAD/ext stability/BOP questions are pretty likely, what are the chances that they're gonna put it in separate sections (since they both deal with similar stuff like external accounts). I'm most comfortable with those two followed by macro policies.
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    Would a mark of <30 in Advanced English completely affect my ATAR?

    unfortunately yes, also how did you manage to get <30 lol
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    95 atar?

    also note these are HSC marks. Your raw marks would obviously differ, check out Also it's always good to strive for first lol, but it really depends on your school rank.
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    Help- miscellaneous questions on eco

    Answer should be B. Decentralisation of of the wage determination system will promote productivity as it gives employees more incentive to work productively, higher productivity will reduce inflationary pressures (as firms can make more overall profit margins, no need to push costs onto...
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    No idea how to do this mc at all

    (820/125)*100 = 656 (100 is base year)
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    Help- miscellaneous questions on eco

    Inwards is more equal, outwards is less equal. The straight diagonal line is the line of perfect equality